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blow over

glagolsleng, dijalekt

To pass away without effect; to cease, or be dissipated

evanesce · fade · fleet · pass · pass off

clock up

log up

come about


To come to pass; to arrive; to happen; to result.

fall out · go on · hap · happen · occur · pass · pass off · take place + prikaži više

come off


1. To acquit oneself; fare
2. Appear, seem
3. Succeed
4. Happen, occur
5. To have recently completed or recov
ered from
When something comes off, it becomes detached from what it was attached or fastened to.
When an event comes off, it is successful.
When you say "Come off it" to people, you are saying that you think something they have said is untrue or foolish.
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break away · break off · chip · chip off · come away · detach · go off · go over + prikaži više

come through


1. To do what is needed or expected
2. To become communicated
3. When you are in a place and people or things come through it, they pass from one side to the other side where you are.
4. When
people travel to your town, stay for a while, and then leave, they come through or come through town.
5. When important information, authorization, or permission that you have been waiting for is received, it comes through.
6. When you come through a difficult or dangerous experience, you survive it.
7. When someone's feelings, attitudes, or opinions can be perceived by someone else, they come through.
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To pass by, as of time; SYN. lapse, pass, slip by, glide by, slip away, go by, slide by, go along.

glide by · go along · go by · lapse · pass · slide by · slip away · slip by + prikaži više

go by


1. To be called; go by a certain name; SYN. go under.
2. To be or act in accordance with.
3. When people go by a place or thing, they pass near that place or thing. When a thing goes by or goes by you,
it passes near you.
4. When you go by a place, you go there so that you can do something or get something.
5. When a period of time goes by, it passes.
6. When you go by a policy or standard, you use it as a reference or a guide in making decisions and determining your behavior. When you go by the book, you follow rules, policies, or laws exactly.
7. When you go by a clock, you use it to tell the time.
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elapse · glide by · go alon · go past · go under · lapse · pass · pass by · slide by · slip away · slip by · surpass · travel by + prikaži više



(Irregular preterit, past participle: went, gone).
1. To move away from a place into another direction; SYN. go away, depart.
2. To be spent.
3. To follow a procedure or take a cour
se; SYN. proceed, move.
4. To lead. extend, or afford access; SYN. lead.
5. To pass, fare, or elapse; of a certain state of affairs or action.
6. To be abolished or discarded.
7. To be awarded; be allotted.
8. To be contained in.
9. To be or continue to be in a certain condition.
10. To be ranked or compare.
11. To be sounded, played, or expressed.
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become · belong · blend · blend in · break · break down · buy the farm · cash in one's chips · choke · conk · conk out · croak · decease · depart · die · die down · die off · die out · drop dead · endure · exit · expire · extend · extend to · fail · fit · function · get · get ahead · get along · get going · get on · get over · give out · give way · give-up the ghost · go around · go away · go bad · go by · go down · go off · go on · go out · go under · go up · go with · hold out · hold up · kick the bucket · last · lead · live · live on · locomote · move · move back · move on · move out · operate · pass · pass away · perish · plump · pop off · proceed · rifle · run · run along · run low · run short · snuff it · sound · start · survive · travel · work + prikaži više

go through


1. To accomplish; as, to go through a work.
2. To suffer; to endure to the end; as, to go through a surgical operation or a tedious illness.
3. To spend completely; to exhaust.
4. To sort through.



1. To travel past, as of a vehicle; SYN. overtake, overhaul.
2. To cause to pass:; SYN. make pass.
3. To go across or through; SYN. go through, go across.
4. To succeed at a test or a scre
5. To place into the hands or custody of; SYN. hand, reach, pass on, turn over, give.
6. To transfer to another; of rights or property
7. To accept or judge as acceptable
8. To allow to go without comment or censure:
9. To get a passing grade in an exams; SYN. nail, make it.
10. To go unchallenged; be approved; SYN. clear.
11. To throw (a ball) to another player
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authorise · authorize · blow over · buy the farm · cash in one's chips · choke · clear · come about · communicate · conk · croak · decease · devolve · die · die down · die off · die out · draw · drop dead · egest · elapse · eliminate · evanesce · exceed · excrete · exit · expire · extend · extend to · fade · fall · fall out · fleet · give · give-up the ghost · glide by · go · go across · go along · go by · go on · go past · go through · guide · hand · hand down · hand out · hand over · hap · happen · kick the bucket · lapse · lead · legislate · make it · make pass · occur · overhaul · overstep · overtake · pass along · pass around · pass away · pass by · pass off · pass on · pass over · perish · pop off · put across · reach · return · run · run along · sink · slide by · slip away · slip by · snuff it · spend · surpass · take place · top · transcend · travel by · turn over + prikaži više



1. To come to understand; SYN. fathom, bottom.
2. To pass into or through, often by overcoming resistance.

bottom · click · come home · dawn · diffuse · fall into plac · fathom · get across · get through · imbue · infiltrate · interpenetrate · perforate · permeate · pervade · riddle · sink in + prikaži više

pull through


To come successfully to the end of a difficult undertaking
When you recover from a serious illness or injury, you pull through.

bring through · carry through · come through · make it · pull round · save · survive + prikaži više



(Irregular preterit, past participle: sped).
To travel at an excessive or illegal velocity.

accelerate · belt along · bucket along · cannonball along · hasten · hie · hotfoot · hurry · pelt along · quicken · race · rush · rush along · speed up · travel rapidly · zip + prikaži više

Reč dana 21.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, vojska
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, životinja