move značenje | engleski leksikon

move značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / muːv /

Množina: moves


1. The act of deciding to do something
2. The act of changing one's residence or place of business
3. (Games) A player's turn to move a piece or take some other permitted action.

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move značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / muːv /

Množina: moves


A command or an instruction to transfer information from one location to another. Depending on the operation involved, a move can affect data in a computer’s memory or it can affect text or a graphical image in a data file. In programming, for example, a move instruction might transfer a single value from one memory location to another. In applications, on the other hand, a move command might relocate a paragraph of text or all or part of a graphic from one place in a document to another. Unlike a copy procedure, which duplicates information, a move indicates that information either is or can be deleted from its original location. Compare copy.

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move značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / muːv /

1. To change position, as of a body part (nontranslational motion):
2. To go or proceed from one point to another
3. To cause to move; SYN. displace.
4. To progress by be
ing changed: SYN. go, run.
5. To arouse sympathy or compassion in
6. To change residence, affiliation, or place of employment
7. To propose formally; in a debate or parliamentary meeting; SYN. make a motion.
8. To have a turn; make one's move in a game; SYN. go.
9. To exist or thrive in a specified environment
10. To dispose of by selling

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act · act on · act up · act upon · actuate · affect · be active · displace · go · go around · go by · go down · go off · go on · go out · go under · go up · impress · incite · locomote · make a motion · motivate · move back · move on · move out · move over · proceed · prompt · propel · run · strike · travel + prikaži više
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