pass značenje | engleski leksikon

pass značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / pæs /

Množina: passes


ETYM Cf. French pas, and passe, from passer to pass. Related to Pass.
(Irregular plural: passes).
1. A document indicating permission to do something without restrictions; SYN. laissez passer.
2. A permit to enter or leave a military installation; SYN. liberty chit.
3. Any authorization to pass or go somewhere; SYN. passport.

4. (Military) A written leave of absence.
5. A complementary (free) ticket.
6. The location in a range of mountains of a geological formation that is lower than the surrounding peaks; SYN. mountain pass, notch.
7. One complete cycle of operations (as by a computer).
8. A difficult juncture; SYN. head, straits.
9. A flight or run by an aircraft over a target.
10. A bad or difficult situation or state of affairs; SYN. strait, straits.
11. (Sports) The act of throwing the ball to another member of one's team; SYN. toss, flip.
12. A football play that involves one player throwing the ball to a teammate; SYN. passing play, passing game, passing.

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pass značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / pæs /

Množina: passes


In programming, the carrying out of one complete sequence of events.

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pass značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / pæs /

1. To travel past, as of a vehicle; SYN. overtake, overhaul.
2. To cause to pass:; SYN. make pass.
3. To go across or through; SYN. go through, go across.
4. To succeed at a test or a scre
5. To place into the hands or custody of; SYN. hand, reach, pass on, turn over, give.
6. To transfer to another; of rights or property
7. To accept or judge as acceptable
8. To allow to go without comment or censure:
9. To get a passing grade in an exams; SYN. nail, make it.
10. To go unchallenged; be approved; SYN. clear.
11. To throw (a ball) to another player

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pass značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / pæs /

To forward a piece of data from one part of a program to another. See also pass by address, pass by value.

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Reč dana 08.09.2024.

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