Thomas Jefferson Jackson 1866-1962 American astronomer and mathematician.
Množina: sees
ETYM Old Eng. se, see, Old Fren. se, sed, sied, from Latin sedes a seat, or the kindred sedere to sit. Related to Sit, Siege.
(Homonym: sea).
The place within a bishop's diocese where his cathedral is located.
(Homonym: sea).
(Irregular preterit, past participle: saw, seen).
1. To accompany or escort; SYN. escort.
2. To be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something; SYN. check, insure, see to it, ensure, control, ascertain, assure.
3. To check, try, or ascertain; SYN. watch.
4. To consider or deem to be; regard; SYN. consider, reckon, view, regard.
5. To deliberate or decide.
6. To go to see for a social visit.
7. To go to see for professional or business reasons.
8. To match the bet of another player; in poker.
9. To perceive by sight.
10. To receive as a specified guest.
11. To see and understand, have a good eye.