Test dostupan svima

My day

First, I wake up. Then, I get dressed. I walk to school. I do not ride a bike. I do not ride the bus. I like to go to school. It rains. I do not like rain. I eat lunch. I eat a sandwich and an apple. I play outside. I like to play. I read a book. I like to read books. I walk home. I do not like walking home. My mother cooks soup for dinner. The soup is hot. Then, I go to bed. I do not like to go to bed.
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Pitanje: 1

What happens first?

aGet dressed
bWalk to school adasd aserftyg grtew
cEat lunch
dWake up
Pitanje: 2

What do I like?

bGoing to bed
cWalking home
Pitanje: 3

How do I go to school?

aI ride the bus.
bI ride a bike.
cI walk.
dI drive a car.
Pitanje: 4

What do I eat for dinner?

Pitanje: 5

What do I not like?

aGoing to school
cGoing to bed

Reč dana 27.04.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, hemija
muški rod, mitologija
muški rod, medicina
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