Acronym for Strategic Arms Reduction Talks.
Množina: starts
ETYM Old Eng. stert a tail, as. steort; akin to lg. stert, steert, Dutch staart, German sterz, Icel. stertr, Dan. stiert, Swed. stjert. Related to Stark naked, under Stark, Start.
1. A turn to be in a game at the beginning; SYN. starting.
2. Advantage gained by an early start as in a race; SYN. head start.
3. The beginning of anything.
1. To begin or set in motion; SYN. go, get going.
2. To begin work or acting in a certain capacity, office or job; SYN. take up.
3. To get going or set in motion; SYN. start up.
4. To get off the ground; SYN. start up, begin, embark on, commence.
5. To play in the starting line-up, in team sports.