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placer | francusko - engleski rečnik



1. Disposer. Placer des objets.
2. Installer.
3. Loger. Placer des visiteurs.
4. Trouver un emploi ŕ. Placer un élève.
5. Vendre. Placer sa marchandise.
6. Investir. Placer des capitaux.

Prevedi placer na:

srpski · nemački



1. To furnish with power or authority; of kings or emperors; SYN. clothe, adorn.
2. To make an investment; SYN. put, commit, place.
3. To provide with power and authority; SYN. vest, enthrone.

adorn · clothe · commit · empower · endow · endu · enthrone · gift · induct · indue · place · put · seat · vest + prikaži više



(Homonym: lei).
(Irregular preterit, past participle: laid).
1. To put in a horizontal position; SYN. put down, repose.
2. To prepare or position for action or operation.
3. To impose as a duty, burden, or punishment.
4. To lay eggs.

lay aside · lay away · lay out · lay over · place · pose · position · put · put across · put away · put back · put down · put off · put on · put over · put together · put up · repose · repose on · set · set back · set down · set out · set up + prikaži više



1. To put something somewhere:
2. To establish somebody in a particular situation or location:
3. To identify the location o
r place of; SYN. localize.
4. To assign to (a job or a home).
5. To estimate:
6. To sing a note with the correct pitch.
7. To take a place in a competition; often followed by an ordinal; SYN. come in, come out.
8. To arrange for or to make;,
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aim · base · come in · come out · commit · direct · grade · identify · invest · lay · lay out · localise · localize · locate · order · point · pose · position · post · put · put across · put away · put back · put down · put off · put on · put over · put together · put up · range · rank · rate · send · set · set back · set down · set out · set up · site · station · target + prikaži više



ETYM See Position (n.).
To cause to be in an appropriate place, state, or relation.

lay · lay out · place · pose · put · put across · put away · put back · put down · put off · put on · put over · put together · put up · set · set back · set down · set out · set up + prikaži više

put down


1. To lay down; to deposit; to set down.
2. To insult; to describe in a disparaging way
3. To put a stop to; to suppress

bring down · degrade · demean · discharge · disgrace · drop · drop off · enter · get down · land · lay · lay aside · lay away · lay over · place down · put · record · repose · repose on · set down · take down · unload · write down + prikaži više



(Irregular preterit, past participle: put).
1. To put into a certain place; also with abstract objects and locations; SYN
. set, place, pose, position, lay.
2. To put something on or into (abstractly) assign; SYN. assign.
3. To cause to be in a certain state; cause to be in a certain relation.
4. To cause (someone) to undergo something.
5. To adapt.
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arrange · assign · cast · commit · couch · frame · invest · lay · lay out · order · place · pose · position · put across · put away · put back · put down · put off · put on · put out · put over · put through · put to sleep · put together · put under · put up · redact · set · set back · set down · set out · set up + prikaži više



(Irregular preterit, past participle: set).
1. To locate; SYN. localize, place.
2. To put into a certain state; cause to be in a certain state.
3. To set to a certain position.<
br /> 4. To insert (a nail below the surface); SYN. countersink.
5. To give a fine, sharp edge to a knife or razor.
6. To fix in a border, as of precious stones.
7. To establish as the highest level or best performance; SYN. mark.
8. To disappear beyond the horizon; of celestial bodies such as the sun and the moon; SYN. go down, go under.
9. To apply or start.
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adjust · arrange · coif · coiffe · coiffur · congeal · correct · countersink · determine · do · dress · fix · fructify · gear up · go down · go under · jell · lay · lay out · limit · localise · localize · mark · place · plant · pose · position · prepare · put · put across · put away · put back · put down · put off · put on · put over · put together · put up · ready · rig · set ahead · set apart · set aside · set back · set down · set off · set out · set up · sic · specify · typeset + prikaži više
placer | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

Gisement d'or, de diamant, etc.

Prevedi placer na:

srpski · nemački

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plaisir | plisser | plissure | policer | policier

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