(Of molten metal or glass) Formed by pouring or pressing into a mold.
Množina: casts
ETYM Cf. Icel., Dan., and Swed. kast.
(Homonym: cast).
1. Object formed by a mold; SYN. casting.
2. The act of throwing dice; SYN. roll.
3. The distinctive form in which a thing is made; SYN. mold, stamp.
Množina: casts
The actors in a play; SYN. cast of characters, dramatis personae.
Množina: casts
A firm covering (often made of plaster of Paris) that immobilizes broken bones while they heal; SYN. plaster cast.
Množina: casts
A programmer-specified data conversion from one type to another, such as a conversion from integer to floating point. Also called: coercion. See also data type.
Množina: CASTs
A family of symmetric encryption algorithms.
(Irregular preterit, past participle: cast).
1. To assign the roles of (a movie or a play) to actors.
2. To deposit.
3. To make by pouring into a cast or mold; SYN. mold, mould.
4. To select to play, sing, or dance a part in a play, movie, musical, opera, or ballet.