(Homonym: lei).
Not of or from a profession.
Množina: lays
1. Covert, lair
2. Something (as a layer) that lies or is laid
3. Line of action; plan; line of work; occupation
4. Terms of sale or employment; price; share of profit (as on a whaling voyage) paid in lieu of wages
5 The amount of advance of any point in a rope strand for one turn; the nature of a fiber rope as determined by the amount of twist, the angle of the strands, and the angle of the threads in the strands
6. The way in which a thing lies or is laid in relation to something else
7. The state of one that lays eggs
Množina: lays
A partner in sexual intercourse; sexual intercourse
(Homonym: lei).
(Irregular preterit, past participle: laid).
1. To put in a horizontal position; SYN. put down, repose.
2. To prepare or position for action or operation.
3. To impose as a duty, burden, or punishment.
4. To lay eggs.
To copulate with