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ETYM Latin aspectus, from aspicere, aspectum, to look at; ad + spicere, specere, to look, akin to Eng. spy.
1. A characteristic to be considered.
2. A distinct feature or element in a problem; SYN. facet.r /> 3. The beginning or duration or completion or repetition of the action of a verb.
In Earth sciences the direction in which a slope faces. In the northern hemisphere a slope with a southerly aspect receives more sunshine than other slopes and is therefore better suited for growing crops that require many hours of sunshine in order to ripen successfully. Vineyards in northern Europe are usually situated on south-facing slopes.
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1. Fire that makes it difficult for the enemy to fire on one's own individuals or formations; SYN. covering fire.
2. The act of concealing the existence of something by obstructing the view of it; SYN. covering, screening, masking.

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Use of the faculty of vision; SYN. seeing, sightedness.

seeing · sightedness



ETYM French, from Latin facies form, shape, face, perh. from facere to make (see Fact); or perh. orig. meaning appearance, and from a root meaning to shine, and akin to Eng. fancy. Related to Facetious.
1. The front of the head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear; SYN. human face.
2. The part of an ani
mal corresponding to the human face.
3. The general outward appearance of something.
4. (Synecdoche) A part of a person is used to refer to a person.
5. The act of confronting bravely; SYN. facing.
6. A vertical surface of a building or cliff.
7. Status in the eyes of others.
8. The side upon which the use of a thing depends (usually the most prominent surface of an object).
9. The striking or working surface of an implement.
In geometry, a plane surface of a solid enclosed by edges. A cube has six square faces, a cuboid has six rectangular faces, and a tetrahedron has four triangular faces.
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ETYM Old Eng. and French forme, from Latin forma; cf. Skr. dhariman. Related to Firm.
In Greek and medieval European philosophy, that which makes a thing what it is. For Plato, a Form was an immaterial, independent object, which could not be perceived by the senses and was known only by reason; thus, a horse was a thing participating in the Form of horseness. For Aristotle, forms existed only in combination with matter: a horse was a lump of matter having the form of a horse—that is, the essential properties (see essence) and powers of a horse. However, Ari
stotle, like the medieval philosophers after him, does not make it clear whether there is a different form for each individual, or only for each type or species.
In Platonic philosophy Form is generally capitalized and is synonymous with his use of idea.
In logic, the form of a proposition is the kind or species to which it belongs, such as the universal (“All x are y”) or the negative (“No x are y”). Logical form is contrasted with the content, or what the proposition individually is about.1. A perceptual structure or shape; SYN. shape, pattern.
2. A particular mode in which something is manifested.
3. The visual appearance of something or someone; SYN. shape, cast.
4. A mold for setting concrete.
5. An ability to perform well.
6. An arrangement of the elements in a composition or discourse.
7. A printed document with spaces in which to write.
8. The phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word; SYN. word form.
9. (Biology) A group of organisms within a species that differ in trivial ways from similar groups; SYN. variant, strain, var.
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ETYM Latin modus a measure, due or proper measure, bound, manner, form; akin to Eng. mete: cf. French mode. Related to Mete, Commodious, Mood in grammar, Modus.
(Homonym: mowed).
1. Any of various fixed orders of the various diatonic notes within an octave; SYN. musical mode.
2. The most frequent value of a random variable.

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The detection of light by an eye, which can form images of the outside world.

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ETYM Old Fren. veue, French vue, from Old Fren. veoir to see, p. p. veu, French voir, p. p. vu, from Latin videre to see. Related to Vision, and cl. Interview, Purview, Review, Vista.
1. Outward appearance.
2. The act of looking or seeing or observing; SYN. survey, sight.
3. The phrase means.
4. The range of the eye; SYN. eyeshot.
5. The visual percept of a region; SYN. aspect, prospect, scene, vista, panorama.
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ETYM Old Eng. visioun, French vision, from Latin visio, from videre, visum, to see.
1. A religious or mystical experience of a supernatural appearance.
2. A vivid mental image.
3. The perceptual experience of seeing; SYN. visual sensation.

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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

imenica, geografija
muški rod, vojska
ženski rod, gramatika
muški rod, životinja