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sortir | francusko - engleski rečnik



1. Mener dehors. Sortir sa voiture.
2. Publier. Sortir un livre.
3. (Familier) Tirer. Sortir un mauvais numéro.
4. (Familier) Vider. Sortir un impor
5. (Intrans.) Pousser. Un plante qui sort au printemps.
6. (Intrans.) Quitter. Sortir de maladie.
7. (Intrans.) S'échapper. Un gaz qui sort.
8. (Intrans.) Émerger. Sortir de la mer.
9. (Intrans.) Venir. Sortir d'un milieu pauvre.
10. (Intrans.) Résulter. Je ne vois pas ce qui va en sortir.

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come out


1 To come into public view; make a public appearance
2. To become evident
3. To declare oneself especially in public utterance
4. To turn out in an outcome; end up
5. To make a debut
6. To openly declare one's homosexuality
7. To openly declare some
thing about oneself previously kept hidden — often used with as
8. When information becomes known to the public, it comes out.
9. To come forth or out; SYN. pop out.
10. When flowers or leaves start to grow, they come out.
11. When clouds move and the sun becomes visible, it comes out.
12. When people with authority and influence come out for or come out in favor of people or things, they publicly announce support for them. When people with authority and influence come out against people or things, they publicly announce opposition to them.
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appear · break through · bug out · bulge · bulge out · come forth · come forward · come in · come on · come out of the closet · come to the fore · egress · emerge · erupt · fall out · go forth · issue · out · place · pop · pop out · protrude · push through · show up · start · step forward · step to the fore · step up · surface · turn out · turn up + prikaži više


glagolarhaično, zastarelo

To go out; to depart; to exit.

come forth · come out · emerge · go forth · issue



1. To become known or apparent.
2. To come out into view, as from concealment.
3. To come up to the surface of or rise, as from water; also used metaphorically.

come forth · come out · egress · go forth · issue



1. To lose the lead, in card games.
2. To move out of; as of a room, a country, a bus, etc.; SYN. go out, get out, leave.
A stage direction.

buy the farm · cash in one's chips · choke · conk · croak · decease · die · die down · die off · die out · drop dead · expire · get out · give-up the ghost · go · go out · kick the bucket · leave · pass · pass away · perish · pop off · snuff it + prikaži više

go out


1. To become extinguished; as of lights or candles
2. To go out of fashion; become unfashionable.
3. To leave the house to go somewhere
4. T
o take the field, as a soldier.
5. When something that is burning goes out, it stops burning because it has no more fuel or because something, such as water or lack of oxygen, has caused it to stop burning.
6. When an electrical light goes out, it stops producing light because it is no longer receiving power.
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date · exit · get out · go steady · leave · see + prikaži više



(Irregular preterit, past participle: left).
1. To be survived by after one's death; SYN. leave behind.
2. To cause to be in a specified state.
3. To go away from a place; SYN. go forth, go away.

4. To have left or have as a remainder.
5. To leave behind.
6. To leave home, school, a position, etc.; SYN. depart.
7. To leave unchanged or unaltered.
8. To let be; leave alone or undisturbed; SYN. let.
9. To make a possibility or provide opportunity for; SYN. allow for, allow, provide for.
10. To refrain from taking; SYN. leave behind.
11. To result in; SYN. result, lead.
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allow · allow for · bequeath · depart · entrust · exit · forget · get out · give · go away · go forth · go out · impart · lead · leave alone · leave behind · pass on · provide · pull up stakes · result · will + prikaži više

pop out

glagolsleng, dijalekt

2. To exit briefly

bug out · bulge · bulge out · burst out · come out · pop · protrude · start + prikaži više

put out


1. To set out from shore
2. To make an effort
3. To engage in sexual intercourse
4. To put out considerable effort:
5. To cause to be out (as in baseball or cricket)
6. When you are put out by people, you are annoyed by something they have said or done.

anaesthetise · anaesthetize · anesthetise · anesthetize · bother · bring out · discommode · disoblige · douse · exsert · extend · hold out · incommode · inconvenience · issue · publish · put to sleep · put under · release · retire · smother · stretch forth · stretch out · trouble + prikaži više

put outside


roll out


1. To flatten or spread with a roller; SYN. roll.
2. To straighten by unrolling; SYN. straighten. roll-out

roll · straighten

take out


1. To cause to leave; SYN. move out, remove.
2. To obtain by legal of official process
3. To purchase prepared food to be eaten at home; SYN. buy food.
4. To remove something from a container or an enclosed space.

ask out · buy food · draw · draw off · draw ou · draw out · except · excerpt · exclude · extract · get out · invite out · leave off · leave out · move out · omi · pull · pull out · pull up · remove · take away · unpack · withdraw + prikaži više

walk out


1. To leave abruptly, often in protest or anger:
2. To leave suddenly, often as an expression of disapproval
3. To go on strike

sortir | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

Dans la seule formule au sortir de : ŕ la sortie (n.f.). Au sortir du bain.
Fin. Au sortir de l'hiver.

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srpski · nemački

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