Two commonly used meanings: Point of Presence, Post Office Protocol
See point of presence, Post Office Protocol.
1. Popular; as of or relating to popular music; of or relating to the popular culture disseminated through the mass media
2. Of or relating to pop art; having, using, or imitating themes or techniques characteristic of pop art
Adopted name of James Newell Osterberg (1947-) US rock singer and songwriter. Initially known as Iggy Stooge, he was lead singer with a seminal garage band called the Stooges (1967–74), whose self-destructive proto-punk performances became legendary. His solo career began with The Idiot 1977 and Lust for Life 1977, composed and produced by David Bowie, who also contributed to Blah, Blah, Blah 1986.
Množina: pops
ETYM Of imitative origin. Related to Poop.
1. A sharp explosive sound as from a gunshot or drawing a cork; SYN. popping.
2. A sweet drink containing carbonated water and flavoring; SYN. soda, soda pop, soda water, tonic.
3. Power to hit a baseball hard.
Množina: pops
1. Popular music
2. Pop art
3. Pop culture
To fetch the top (most recently added) element of a stack, removing that element from the stack in the process. Compare push1 (definition 1).
1. To fire a weapon with a loud explosive noise
2. To hit a pop-fly, in baseball.
3. To inject into the skin, as of drugs; SYN. skin pop.
4. To make a sharp explosive noise.