procurer prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

procurer | francusko - engleski rečnik



1. Fournir. Procurer un alibi.
2. Occasionner. Procurer des soucis.

Prevedi procurer na:

srpski · nemački



1. Come into the possession of something concrete or abstract
2. Take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect
3. Come to have or undergo a change of (physical features and
4. Locate (a moving entity) by means of a tracking system such as radar
5. Win something through one's efforts
6. Gain knowledge or skills
7. Gain through experience
8. To gain, usually by one's own exertions; to get as one's own
9. Obtain; gain; come into possession of. acquired immune deficiency syndrome, AIDS.
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adopt · assume · develop · evolve · gain · get · grow · larn · learn · produce · take · take on · win + prikaži više



(Irregular preterit, past participle: got; or p.p.: gotten).
1. To acquire as a result of some effort or action.
2. To cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition; SYN. let, have.
3. To come into the possession of something concrete
or abstract; SYN. acquire.
4. To communicate with a place or person; establish communication with, as if by telephone.
5. To evoke an emotional response.
6. To irritate.
7. To overcome or destroy.
8. To purchase.
9. To reach and board.
10. To reach by calculation.
11. To reach with a blow or hit in a particular spot; SYN. catch.
12. To receive as a retribution or punishment; SYN. receive.
13. To succeed in catching or seizing, esp. after a chase; SYN. catch, capture.
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acquire · aim · amaze · arrest · arrive · baffle · beat · become · beget · begin · bewilder · bring · bring fort · bugger off · buzz off · capture · catch · cause · come · commence · contract · convey · develop · draw · drive · dumbfound · engender · experience · father · fetch · find · fix · flummox · generate · get ahead · get along · get down · get on · get over · get under one's skin · go · gravel · grow · have · incur · induce · let · make · mother · mystify · nonplus · obtain · pay back · pay off · perplex · pose · produce · puzzle · puzzle out · puzzle over · receive · scram · set about · set out · sire · start · start out · stick · stimulate · stupefy · suffer · sustain · take · undergo · vex + prikaži više



1. To get by special effort; SYN. secure.
2. Bring about, achieve

pander · pimp · secure



1. To assure payment of.
2. To relieve from exposure to danger; act to make safe against adverse contingencies
3. To put beyond
hazard of losing or of not receiving; guarantee
4. To give pledge of payment to (a creditor) or of (an obligation)
5. To take (a person) into custody; hold fast; pinion; to make fast
6. To get secure usually lasting possession or control of; bring about, effect
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assure · batten · batten down · ensure · fasten · fix · guarantee · insure · plug · procure · stop up + prikaži više

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