Množina: sticks
ETYM Old Eng. sticke, as. sticca; akin to stician to stab, prick, pierce, German stecken a stick, staff, Old High Germ. steccho, Icel. stik a stick. Related to Stick.
1. A small thin branch of a tree.
2. A length of wood.
3. A lever used by a pilot to control the ailerons and elevators of an airplane; SYN. control stick, joystick.
4. Threat of a penalty.
(Irregular preterit, past participle: stuck).
1. To cause to protrude SYN. put forward.
2. To pierce with a thrust.
3. To pierce with something pointed.
4. To saddle with something disagreeable or disadvantageous; SYN. sting.