fabriquer prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

fabriquer | francusko - engleski rečnik



1. Produire.
2. Élaborer. Fabriquer des outils.
3. (Familier) Faire. Voyons ce qu'il fabrique.

Prevedi fabriquer na:

srpski · nemački



1. To replace fact with fiction in the telling of a story.
2. To talk familiarly together; to chat; to prattle.
3. To chat; to invent past experiences
4. Chat; hold a discussion; Psychology, replace memory gaps with imagined experiences.

chaffer · chat · chatter · chew the fat · chitchat · claver · confab · confer · consult · gossip · jaw · natter · shoot the breeze · visit + prikaži više



1. To make or construct.
2. To prepare from ingredients; SYN. confection, comfit.
3. Put together (from varied materials).

comfit · confection



To make up something artificial or untrue; SYN. manufacture, cook up, make up, invent.



(Irregular preterit, past participle: made).
1. To produce or cause to be or to become; SYN. create.
2. To produce by shaping or bringing together constituents.
3. To give certain properties to something; SYN. get, produce, turn into, transform, convert.
4. To perform or carry out.
5. To undergo fabrication or creation.
6. To change from one form into anothe
7. To develop into.
8. To engage in; SYN. do.
9. To be suitable for.
10. To behave in a certain way.
11. To put in order or neaten; SYN. make up.
12. To form by assembling individuals or constituents.
13. To favor the development of.
14. To consider as being.
15. To constitute the essence of.
16. To compel or make somebody or something to act in a certain way.
17. To carry out or commit; SYN. commit, accomplish.
18. To cause to be enjoyable or pleasurable.
19. To act in a certain way so as to acquire.
20. To add up to.
21. To pretend to be; imitate.
22. To reach in time.
23. To appear to begin an activity.
24. To assure the success of.
25. To calculate as being.
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arrive at · attain · bring i · build · cause · clear · constitute · construct · cook · create · defecate · do · draw · earn · establish · fix · form · gain · get · get to · give · have · hit · hold · induce · lay down · make believe · make over · make up · make water · micturate · name · nominate · pass wate · pee · pee-pee · piddle · piss · prepar · pretend · produce · progress to · puddle · pull in · reach · ready · realise · realize · relieve oneself · score · seduce · spend a penny · stimulate · stool · take · take a leak · take in · throw · urinate · wee · wee-wee · work + prikaži više



1. To bring forth or yield:; SYN. bring forth.
2. To bring onto the market or release, as of an intellectual creation:; SYN. bring on, bring out.
3. To bring out for display:; SYN. bring forth.
4. To cause to occur or exist:; SYN. bring about, give rise.
5. To create or manufacture a man-made product:; SYN. make, create.

acquire · bring about · bring forth · bring on · bring out · create · develop · farm · get · give rise · grow · make · raise + prikaži više

Reč dana 06.10.2024.

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