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im Handel ein Erkennungszeichen für Waren von allg. gleichbleibender Qualität (Markenartikel); an kunsthandwerkl. Erzeugnissen das Zeichen, das über Herkunft, Entstehungszeit u. Meister Auskunft gibt.
Zeichen u.a. zur Kenntlichmachung des Eigentums oder des Produzenten; im Kunsthandwerk urspr. Garantie-M. bei Goldschmieden und Zinngießern, Zeichen für den Feingehalt der Metallegierung. Bes. künstler. gestaltet sind in der neueren Zeit v.a. die Fabrik-M.n (Firmenzeichen, Signet), in Form der Warenzeichen, und Briefmarken.

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Brand · Markenname · Schutzmarke · Warenzeichen · Bon · Briefmarke · Postwertzeichen · Flocke · Held · Herzchen · Motte · Markenzeichen + prikaži više
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ETYM Old Eng. brand, brond, AS. brand brond brand, sword, from byrnan, beornan, to burn; akin to Dutch, Dan., Swed., and German brand brand, Icel. brandr a brand, blade of a sword. Related to Burn, Brandish.
1. A piece of wood that has been burned or is burning; SYN. firebrand.
2. A recognizable kind; SYN. make.
3. Identification mark on skin, made by burning.
Or trademark a named good in competition with other simi
lar goods in the market. For example, Nescafé is a brand of coffee; Persil is a brand of washing powder. Producers attempt to “differentiate” or establish a distinctive brand image for their products because a successful brand will help them maintain or even increase their share of the market.
Successful brands often sell at a premium—a slightly higher price than their competitors—enabling producers to earn higher profits. The aim of any company is to become the brand leader in the market, to have the brand which has the highest share of the market. Brands have to be launched and then the brand image maintained. This is done through advertising and promotion. One of the advantages to the consumer of branding is that producers attempt to maintain consistent quality with their branded goods. Consumers therefore know what they are buying when they make a repeat purchase.
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blade · brand name · firebrand · make · mark · marque · stain · steel · stigma · sword · trade name + prikaži više



ETYM Old Fren. label sort of ribbon or fringe, label in heraldry, French lambeau shred, strip, rag.
1. A brief d
escription given for purposes of identification.
2. A radioactive isotope that is used in a compound in order to trace the mechanism of a chemical reaction.
3. An identifying or descriptive marker; SYN. gummed label, sticker.
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1. The manner or style in which a thing is constructed; Brand
2. The physical, mental, or moral constitution of a person
3. The action o
f producing or manufacturing; the actual yield or amount produced over a specified period; output
4. The act of shuffling cards; also; turn to shuffle –on the make; in the process of forming, growing, or improving; in quest of a higher social or financial status; in search of sexual adventure
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brand · shuffle · shuffling



(Homonym: marc)
1. A written or printed symbol (as for punctuation)
2. A visible indication made on a surface
3. A number or letter indicatin
g quality (especially of a student's performance); SYN. grade, score.
4. A symbol of disgrace or infamy; SYN. stigma, brand, stain.
5. The impression created by doing something unusual or extraordinary that people notice and remember
6. The basic unit of money in Germany; SYN. Deutsche Mark, Deutschmark.
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Deutsche Mark · Deutschmark · German mark · Gospel According to Mark · Mark · Saint Mark · St. Mark · bell ringer · brand · bull's eye · chump · crisscross · cross · fall guy · fool · grade · gull · home run · marker · marking · mu · patsy · print · scar · score · scrape · scratch · sign · soft touch · stain · stigma · sucker · target + prikaži više



1. A distinguishing symbol; SYN. marking, mark.
2. An implement for making a mark.
3. Some conspicuous object used to distinguish or mark something

mark · marking

postage stamp


A government adhesive stamp or imprinted stamp for use on mail as evidence of prepayment of postage SYN. postage-stamp

postage · stamp



1. A person of a particular character or nature
2. An approximate definition or example

form · kind · sorting · variety



1. A block or die used to imprint a mark or design.
2. A symbol that is the result of printing; SYN. impression.<
br /> 3. A printed coupon issued by a postal service to show that payment for delivery has been made; is usually affixed to the envelope.
4. A type or class
5. A heavy bar that moves vertically for crushing ores; SYN. pestle.
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cast · impression · mold · pestle · postage · postage stamp · seal + prikaži više



1. A game in which one child chases the others; the one who is caught becomes the next chaser.
2. Touching a player in a game.
3. A flat substance made of cardboard, plastic, or metal.

rag · shred · tag end · tatter



A word, phrase, symbol, or design (or some combination thereof) used to identify a proprietary product, often accompanied by the symbol tm or ®.
Name of a company or brand which identifies it
in the minds of consumers. Trademarks can be registered so that only the individual or company registering the trademark is legally entitled to use it.
Name or symbol that is distinctive of a marketed product. The owner may register the mark to prevent its unauthorized use.
A formally registered symbol identifying the manufacturer or distributor of a product. trade-mark, trade mark
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earmark · hallmark · stylemark



ETYM French type; cf. Italian tipo, from Latin typus a figure, image, a form, type, character; cf. Skr. tup to hurt.
1. A subdivision of a particular kind of thing;
SYN. kind, sort, ilk, species.
2. Printed characters.
3. A small block of metal bearing a raised character on one end; produces a printed character when inked and pressed on paper.
4. All of the tokens of the same symbol.
5. (Biology) The taxonomic group whose characteristics are used to define the next higher taxon.
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case · character · eccentric

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