Množina: cases
In grammar, the different forms (inflections) taken by nouns, pronouns, and adjectives depending on their function in a sentence. English is a language with four inflections; most words have no more than two forms. For example, six pronouns have one form when they are the subject of the verb, and a different form when they are either objects of the verb or governed by a preposition. The six are: I/me, he/him, we/us, they/them, who/whom. In “I like cats”, I is the subject of the sentence. In “Cats hate me”, me is the object. Latin has 6 cases, and Hungarian more than 25.
1. A portable container for carrying several objects.
2. A glass container used to store and display items in a shop or museum or home; SYN. display case, showcase.
3. The quantity contained in a case; SYN. caseful.
4. A cover for a pillow; SYN. pillowcase, slip, pillow slip.
5. The actual state of things.
6. A specific state of mind that is temporary.
7. A problem (usually legal) requiring investigation.
8. A statement of facts and reasons used to support an argument.
9. An occurrence of something; SYN. instance, example.
10. Nouns or pronouns or adjectives (often marked by inflection) related in some way to other words in a sentence; SYN. grammatical case.
Množina: cases
In text processing, an indication of whether one or more alphabetic characters are capitalized (uppercase) or not (lowercase). A case-sensitive program or routine distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters and treats the word cat as totally distinct from either Cat or CAT. A case-sensitive program that also separates capitalized and lowercased words would list Arkansas before aardvark or antimony, even though its alphabetic position follows both lowercased words.
Upper and lower; The two possible forms taken by letters of the alphabet: capitals (upper case) and lower case. Capitals are used to begin proper nouns (John, Concorde, Dr Smith); the beginning of a sentence; the beginning of a sentence of direct speech (He said: “Come here!”); and the principal words in a title (Far from the Madding Crowd).
In the days when typesetting was done by hand, printers used to keep letters in a low case, near to hand; the less often used capitals were stored in a higher (upper) case.
Množina: CASEs
Acronym for computer-aided software engineering. A comprehensive label for software designed to use computers in all phases of computer program development, from planning and modeling through coding and documentation. CASE represents a working environment consisting of programs and other development tools that help managers, systems analysts, programmers, and others to automate the design and implementation of programs and procedures for business, engineering, and scientific computer systems.
1. To look over, usually with the intention to rob.
2. To put into a case; SYN. encase.