Town NE Wales SSW of Liverpool, England.
Množina: molds
Mainly saprophytic fungi living on foodstuffs and other organic matter, a few being parasitic on plants, animals, or each other. Many are of medical or industrial importance; for example, penicillin.
1. A container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape when it hardens; SYN. mould, cast.
2. A sculpture produced by molding; SYN. mould, molding, moulding, modeling, clay sculpture.
3. A fungus that produces a superficial growth on various kinds of damp or decaying organic matter; SYN. mould.
4. Loose soil rich in organic matter; SYN. mould.
ETYM Cf. French mouler, Old Fren. moler, moller. Related to Mold the matrix.
To become moldy; spoil due to humidity; SYN. mildew.