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1. Large in size; imposing.
2. Marked by intense physical force; SYN. high.
3. Conspicuous in position or importance; SYN. large, prominent.
4. Feeling self-importance; SYN. swelled, vainglor
5. Prodigious; SYN. heavy.
6. Of very great significance; SYN. momentous.
7. Older and (at least formerly) larger than another though relative size is not the issue; SYN. elder, older.
8. Loud and firm
9. In an advanced stage of pregnancy; SYN. enceinte, expectant, gravid, great, large, heavy, with child.
10. Generous and understanding and tolerant; SYN. large, magnanimous.
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Brobdingnagian · adult · ample · astronomic · astronomical · bad · banging · bear-sized · bigger · biggish · bighearted · blown-up · boastful · bouffant · bounteous · bountiful · braggart · bragging · braggy · broad · bulky · capacious · cock-a-hoop · colossal · conspicuous · cosmic · crowing · deep · double · elephantine · enceinte · enlarged · enormous · epic · expectant · extended · extensive · freehanded · full-grown · full-size · fully grown · galactic · gargantuan · generous · giant · gigantic · giving · grand · gravid · great · grown · grownup · handsome · heavy · heroic · huge · hulking · hulky · humongous · immense · important · intemperate · intense · jumbo · king-size · king-sized · large · large-mouthed · large-scale · larger · larger-than-life · largish · liberal · life-size · life-sized · lifesize · loud · macro · magnanimous · mammoth · man-sized · massive · mature · medium-large · monolithic · monstrous · monumental · mountainous · of import · openhanded · outsize · outsized · overlarge · oversize · oversized · plumping · pregnant · prodigious · prominent · proud · puffy · queen-size · queen-sized · rangy · self-aggrandising · self-aggrandizing · sizable · sizeable · spacious · stupendous · super · swelled · thumping · titanic · too large · tremendous · vainglorious · vast · volumed · voluminous · walloping · whacking · whopping · wide · wide-ranging · with child + prikaži više



ETYM From Difficulty.
1. Not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure; SYN. hard.
2. Requiring much effort and trouble.



1. Dignified and somber in manner or character; SYN. sedate, sober, solemn.
2. Of great gravity or crucial import; requiring serious thought; SYN. grievous, heavy, weighty.

critical · dangerous · grievous · heavy · important · life-threatening · of import · sedate · serious · severe · sober · solemn · weighty + prikaži više



1. Not yielding to pressure or easily penetrated
2. Metaphorically hard
3. Dried out
4. Into a solid condition
5. Unfortunate or hard to bear; SYN. tough.
6. Very strong or vigorous; SYN. knockout,
7. Having a high alcoholic content; SYN. strong.
8. Said of a drinker or drinking; indulging intemperately; SYN. heavy.
9. Permanent, fixed, or physically defined; unchangeable by the ordinary operation of a computer system. See also hard copy, hard error, hard return, hard-sectored disk. Compare soft (definition 1).
10. Retaining magnetization even in the absence of an external magnetic field. Compare soft (definition 2).
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1. Of comparatively great physical weight or density
2. Unusually great in degree or quantity or number
3. Of great intensity or power or force
4. Large and powerful; especially designed for heavy loads or rough work
5. Marked by great psychological weight; weighted down especially with sadness or troubles or weariness
6. Full of; bearing great weight; SYN. weighed down.
7. Slow
and laborious because of weight; SYN. lumbering, ponderous.
8. Having or suggesting a viscous consistency
9. Lacking lightness or liveliness; SYN. leaden.
10. Requiring or showing effort; SYN. labored, laboured.
11. Made of fabric having considerable thickness
12. Of the military or industry; using (or being) the heaviest and most powerful armaments or weapons or equipment
13. Sharply inclined
14. Wide from side to side; SYN. thick.
15. Full and loud and deep; SYN. sonorous.
16. Darkened by clouds; SYN. lowering, sullen, threatening.
17. (Physics, chemistry) Being or containing an isotope with greater than average atomic mass or weight
18. (Of sleep) Deep and complete; SYN. profound, sound, wakeless.
19. (Of an actor or role) Being or playing the villain
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arduous · backbreaking · big · burdensome · clayey · cloggy · cloudy · compact · deep · dense · distressful · distressing · disturbing · doughy · dull · effortful · enceinte · expectant · fat · fleshy · full · grave · gravid · great · grievous · grueling · gruelling · hard · harsh · heavier-than-air · heavy-duty · heavy-footed · hefty · impenetrable · important · indigestible · indulgent · intemperate · labored · laborious · laboured · large · leaden · lowering · lumbering · massive · non-buoyant · of import · onerous · operose · oppressive · overweight · perturbing · ponderous · pregnant · profound · punishing · soggy · sonorous · sound · steep · sullen · taxing · thick · threatening · toilsome · troubling · wakeless · weighed down · weighted · weighty · wicked · with child · worrisome · worrying + prikaži više



1. Having an abundant supply of desirable qualities or substances (especially natural resources)
2. Possessing material wealth
3. Suggesti
ve of or characterized by great expense
4. Of great worth or quality
5. Pleasantly full and mellow
6. Highly seasoned or containing large amounts of choice ingredients such as butter or sugar or eggs
7. (Metallurgy; chemistry) High in mineral content
8. Very productive
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abundant · affluent · ample · colorful · colourful · comfortable · copious · deep · deluxe · easy · fat · fertile · flush · fruitful · full · full-bodied · gilded · grand · lavish · loaded · lucullan · lush · luxurious · moneyed · opulent · plenteous · plentiful · plush · plushy · princely · privileged · productive · prosperous · racy · robust · sumptuous · tasty · unwholesome · valuable · wealthy · well-fixed · well-heeled · well-off · well-situated · well-to-do + prikaži više



1. Having relatively great weight; heavy.
2. Weighing heavily on the spirit; causing anxiety or worry.

cogent · corpulent · fat · grave · grievous · heavy · important · obese · of import · persuasive · rotund · telling + prikaži više
schwer | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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