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clair | francusko - engleski rečnik



1. Lumineux. Appartement clair.
2. Pâle. Couleur claire.
3. (Au figuré) Évident. Raisonnement clair.
4. (Au figuré) Net. Esprit clair.

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ETYM Old Eng. briht, AS. beorht, briht; akin to OS. berht, Old High Germ. beraht, Icel. bjartr, Goth. baírhts.
1. Abounding with sunlight; SYN. shining, shiny, sunshiny, sunny.
2. Emitting or reflecting light readily or in large a
3. Made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow; SYN. burnished, lustrous, shining, shiny.
4. Clear and sharp and ringing; SYN. brilliant.
5. Characterized by quickness and ease in learning; SYN. smart.
6. Full or promise; SYN. promising.
7. Having lots of light either natural or artificial.
8. Having striking color; SYN. brilliant, vivid.
9. Characterized by happiness or gladness.
10. Splendid.
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agleam · aglitter · aglow · ardent · auspicious · beadlike · beady · beaming · beamy · blazing · blinding · bright as a new penny · brilliant · burnished · buttonlike · buttony · clear · colorful · colourful · coruscant · dazzling · effulgent · flashing · fulgent · fulgid · glaring · glary · gleaming · glimmering · glimmery · glinting · glistening · glistering · glittering · glittery · glorious · glossy · happy · intelligent · iridescent · lambent · light · lucent · luminous · lurid · lustrous · nacreous · nitid · noctilucent · opalescent · opaline · pearlescent · polished · promising · radiant · refulgent · reverberant · ringing · scintillant · scintillating · self-luminous · sheeny · shimmery · shining · shiny · silver · silvern · silvery · smart · sparkly · sunny · sunshiny · twinkling · undimmed · vivid + prikaži više



1. Free from flaw or blemish or impurity
2. Affording free passage or view; SYN. free, open.
3. Clear and distinct to the senses; easily perceptible; SYN. clean-cut, clear-cut.
4. Clear to the mind
5. Easily deciphered; SYN. decipherable, readable.
/> 6. Characterized by freedom from troubling thoughts; especially e.g. guilt
7. Characterized by ease and quickness in perceiving; SYN. percipient.
8. (Meteorology) Free from clouds or mist or haze
9. Of complexion; without such blemishes as e.g. acne
10. Free from confusion or doubt
11. Free from cloudiness; allowing light to pass through
12. (Especially of a title) Unencumbered, in a legal sense; SYN. unmortgaged.
13. Clear of charges or deductions
14. Free from contact or proximity or connection
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ETYM as. leóht. Related to Light.
1. Characterized by or emitting light.
2. (Used of color) Having a relatively small amount of coloring agent.
3. Not great in degree or quantity or number.
4. Of comparatively little physical weight or density.
5. Moving easily and quickly; nimble; SYN. lightsome, tripping.
6. Of li
ttle intensity or power or force.
7. (Physics, chemistry) Not having atomic weight greater than average.
8. Psychologically light; especially free from sadness or troubles.
9. Demanding little effort; not burdensome.
10. Designed for ease of movement or to carry little weight.
11. Not fatty; not rich or heavily seasoned.
12. Having little importance.
13. Of the military or industry; using (or being) relatively small or light arms or equipment.
14. Intended primarily as entertainment; not serious or profound.
15. (Of sleep) Easily disturbed; SYN. wakeful.
16. Less than the correct or legal or full amount often deliberately so; SYN. scant, short.
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ablaze · abstemious · airy · autofluorescent · bioluminescent · bright · buoyant · calorie-free · candent · candescent · casual · clean · clear · deficient · digestible · easy · faint · fat-free · fatless · flimsy · floaty · floodlighted · floodlit · fluorescent · fooling · friable · frivolous · gentle · idle · ill · illuminated · illuminating · incandescent · inflamed · insignificant · insufficient · lamplit · light-armed · light-colored · light-duty · light-footed · light-headed · lighted · lighter-than-air · lightheaded · lighting-up · lightly-armed · lightsome · lit · lite · livid · loose · low-cal · low-density · luminescent · nonfat · pale · palish · pastel · phosphorescent · powdery · promiscuous · pure · reddened · sandy · scant · shallow · short · sick · sluttish · soft · sunlit · sunstruck · swooning · temperate · thin · tripping · unaccented · unchaste · unclouded · undemanding · unimportant · unstressed · wakeful · wanton · weak · well-lighted · white + prikaži više



ETYM Latin limpidus; akin to Greek lampein to shine: cf. French limpide. Related to Lamp.
(Of language) Transparently clear; easily understandable; SYN. lucid, luculent, pellucid, crystal clear, perspicuous.
Clear; transparent; pellucid.

clear · crystal clear · crystalline · liquid · lucid · luculent · pellucid · perspicuous · transparent + prikaži više



ETYM Latin lucidus, from lux, lucis, light. Related to Light.
Having a clear mind.

clear · coherent · crystal clear · crystalline · limpid · logical · luculent · pellucid · perspicuous · rational · sane · transparent + prikaži više



ETYM Latin obvius; ob (see Ob-) + via way. Related to Voyage.
1. Easily perceived by the senses or grasped by the mind; SYN. perceptible.
2. Easily perceived or understood.
3. Obvious to the eye; SYN. visible.



ETYM French, from Late Lat. transparens, -entis, p. pr. of transparere to be transparent; Latin trans across, through + parere to appear. Related to Appear.
Easily understood or seen through (because of a lack of subtlety).

clear · cobwebby · crystal clear · crystalline · diaphanous · filmy · gauze-like · gauzy · gossamer · guileless · limpid · lucid · obvious · pellucid · see-through · sheer · square · straight · thin · vaporous · vapourous + prikaži više
clair | francusko - engleski rečnik
clair | francusko - engleski rečnik
clair | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

Clarté. Clair de lune.

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