The set of Microsoft technologies that provides tools for connecting information, people, systems, and devices. The technologies provide individuals and organizations with the ability to build, host, deploy, and use XML Web service connected solutions.
In the Internet’s Domain Name System, the top-level domain that identifies addresses of network providers. The designation .net appears at the end of the address. See also DNS (definition 1), domain (definition 3). Compare .com, .edu, .gov, .mil, .org.
ETYM French See Neat clean.
Remaining after all deductions; SYN. nett.
Of a particular figure or price, calculated after the deduction of specific items such as commission, discounts, interest, and taxes. The opposite is gross.
Množina: nets
ETYM as. net; akin to Dutch net, os. net, netti, Old High Germ. nezzi, German netz, Icel. and Dan. net, Swed. nät, Goth. nati; of uncertain origin.
1. An open fabric woven together at regular intervals; SYN. mesh.
2. A trap made of netting to catch fish or birds or insects.
3. A strip of netting dividing the playing area in tennis or badminton.
4. A goal lined with netting (as in soccer or hockey).
5. Any reticular (web-like) construction, especially for communication.
Množina: Nets
The, Abbreviation for the Internet.
Množina: Nets
1. Short for Internet.
2. Short for Usenet.
1. To catch with a net; SYN. nett.
2. To make as a net profit; SYN. sack, sack up, clear.
3. To yield as a net profit; SYN. clear.