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1. To carry forward; SYN. persist in.
2. To continue a certain state, condition, or activity; SYN. go on, proceed, go along, keep on, keep.<
br /> 3. To continue after an interruption.
4. To keep or maintain in unaltered condition; cause to remain or last; SYN. uphold, carry on, bear on, preserve.
5. To exist over a prolonged period of time.
6. To continue to speak: he continued,; SYN. go on, carry on, proceed.
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bear on · carry on · cover · extend · go along · go forward · go on · keep · keep going · keep on · persist in · preserve · proceed · remain · retain · stay · stay on · uphold + prikaži više

hang over


To project at the top; to overhang.

hold up


1. To hold up something as an example; hold up one's achievements for admiration.
2. To rob at gunpoint or by mean
s of some other threat;
3. When an object remains in good condition after heavy use, it holds up.
4. When a plan, idea, or agreement is still believed in or respected after a period of time, it has held up.
SYN. stick up.
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defy · delay · detain · endure · go · hold · hold ou · hold water · last · live · live on · stand up · stick up · support · survive · sustain · withstand + prikaži više



1. To persist or continue
2. To be long; in time; SYN. endure.

endure · go · hold out · hold up · live · live on · survive + prikaži više



(Irregular preterit, past participle: stood).
1. To be standing; be upright; SYN. stand up.
2. To put into an upright position; SYN. stand up, place upright.
3. To occupy a place or location, also metaphorically.
4. To have or maintain a position or stand on an issue.
5. To hold one's ground; maintain a position; be steadfast or upright; SYN. remain firm.
6. To be tall; have a height of; copula.
7. To be in some specified state or condition.
8. To be in effect; be or remain in force.
9. To remain inactive, as of a car in a garage, or not flowing, as of water.
10. To be available for stud services, of male domestic animals such as stallions.
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abide · bear · brook · digest · endure · fend · place upright · put u · remain firm · resist · stand by · stand firm · stand for · stand out · stand up · stick out · stomach · suffer · support · tolerate + prikaži više

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