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(Homonym: but).
1. The buttocks.
2. Thick end of the handle; SYN. butt end.
3. The small unused part of som
ething (especially the end of a cigarette that is left after smoking); SYN. stub.
4. A victim of ridicule or pranks; SYN. goat, laughingstock, stooge.
5. A large cask (especially one holding a volume equivalent to 2 hogsheads or 126 gallons).
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arse · as · backside · behind · bottom · bum · buns · butt end · butt joint · buttocks · can · cigaret · cigarette · coffin nail · derriere · fag · fanny · fundament · goat · hind end · hindquarters · keister · laughingstock · nates · posterior · prat · rear · rear end · rump · seat · stern · stooge · stub · tail · tail end · target · tooshie · tush + prikaži više



A piece of land where waste materials are dumped; SYN. garbage dump, trash dump, rubbish dump, wasteyard, refuse heap.



ETYM Old Eng. and as. ende; akin to os. endi, Dutch einde, eind, Old High Germ. enti, German ende, Icel. endir, endi, Swed. ände, Dan. ende, Goth. andeis, Skr. anta. Related to Ante-, Anti-, Answer.
1. The concluding part of an event or occurrence; SYN. last.
2. A boundary marking the extremities of something. /> 3. A final part or section.
4. A final state; SYN. destruction, death.
5. The surface at either extremity of a three-dimensional object.
6. A position on the line of scrimmage.
7. Either extremity of something that has length.
8. One of two places from which people are communicating to each other; or.
9. (Football) The person who plays at one end of the line of scrimmage.
10. The part one is expected to play.
11. The point in time at which something ends; SYN. ending.
12. A piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold; SYN. remainder, remnant, scrap, oddment.
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close · closing · conclusion · death · destruction · ending · final stage · goal · last · oddment · remainder · remnant + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. stubbe, AS. stub, styb; akin to Dutch stobbe, LG. stubbe, Dan. stub, Swed. stubbe, Icel. stubbr, stubbi.
1. A short piece remaining on a trunk or stem where a branch is lost.
2. A torn part of a ticket returned to the holder as a receipt; SYN. ticket stub.
3. The part of a check that is retained as a record; SYN. check stub, counterfoil.
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1. An indication of potential opportunity; SYN. lead, steer, confidential information, wind, hint.
2. The extreme
end of something; especially something pointed.
3. A light touch or blow
4. The usually pointed end of something
5. A small piece or part serving as an end, cap, or point
6. The act or an instance of tipping; tilt
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francuski · srpski



(Homonym: but).
1. The buttocks.
2. Thick end of the handle; SYN. butt end.
3. The small unused part of som
ething (especially the end of a cigarette that is left after smoking); SYN. stub.
4. A victim of ridicule or pranks; SYN. goat, laughingstock, stooge.
5. A large cask (especially one holding a volume equivalent to 2 hogsheads or 126 gallons).
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arse · as · backside · behind · bottom · bum · buns · butt end · butt joint · buttocks · can · cigaret · cigarette · coffin nail · derriere · fag · fanny · fundament · goat · hind end · hindquarters · keister · laughingstock · nates · posterior · prat · rear · rear end · rump · seat · stern · stooge · stub · tail · tail end · target · tooshie · tush + prikaži više



ETYM French cigarette.
Finely ground tobacco wrapped in paper; for smoking; SYN. cigaret, coffin nail, butt, fag.
Thin paper tube stuffed with shredded tobacco for smoking, now usually plugged with a filter. The first cigarettes were the papelitos smoked in South
America about 1750. The habit spread to Spain and then throughout the world; today it is the most general form of tobacco smoking, although it is dangerous to the health of both smokers and nonsmokers who breathe in the smoke.
Since the 1960s warnings from the US Surgeon General have been added to packages and cartons, about the dangers of smoking and cancer, lung disease, heart disease, and the effects on the developing fetus.
In the prisons of many countries, and in wartime, cigarettes have been used as an unofficial form of currency.
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butt · cigaret · coffin nail · fag



ETYM Old Eng. stubbe, AS. stub, styb; akin to Dutch stobbe, LG. stubbe, Dan. stub, Swed. stubbe, Icel. stubbr, stubbi.
1. A short piece remaining on a trunk or stem where a branch is lost.
2. A torn part of a ticket returned to the holder as a receipt; SYN. ticket stub.
3. The part of a check that is retained as a record; SYN. check stub, counterfoil.
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