Množina: cans
ETYM Old Eng. and AS. canne; akin to Dutch Kan, German Kanne, Old High Germ. channa, Swed. Kanna, Dan. kande.
1. A buoy with a round bottom and conical top; SYN. can buoy.
2. Airtight sealed metal container for food or drink or paint etc.; SYN. tin, tin can.
3. The quantity contained in a can; SYN. canful.
1. To hit (a golf shot) into the cup; to hit (a shot) in basketball
2. To discharge from employment
3. slang; to put a stop or end to
(Irregular preterit, past participle: could, been able).
1. Know how to.
2. Be physically or mentally able to.
3. used to indicate possibility — sometimes used interchangeably with may.
4. Be permitted by conscience or feeling to.
5. Be made possible or probable by circumstances to.
6. Be inherently able or designed to.
7. Be logically or axiologically able to.
8. Be enabled by law, agreement, or custom to.
9. Have permission to — used interchangeably with may.
To put in a can; preserve by sealing in airtight cans or jars