lieux prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

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muški rod

1. Endroit.
2. Localité.
3. (Au pluriel) Locaux.

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ETYM French local.
A place, spot, or location.
Locality; scene.

locus · venue



ETYM Latin locatio, from locare.
1. A point or extent in space.
2. The act of putting something in a certain place or location; SYN. locating, placement, position, positioning, emplacement, situating.



ETYM French, from Latin platea a street, an area, a courtyard, from Greek plateia a street, properly fem. of platys, flat, broad; akin to Skr. porthu, Lith. platus. Related to Flawn, Piazza, Plate, Plaza.
(Homonym: plaice)
1. A general vicinity.
2. A particular situation; SYN. shoes.
3. Any area set aside for a particular purpose; SYN. property.
4. Proper or appropriate position or location.
5. An abstract mental location.
6. Proper or designated social situation; SYN. station.
7. The passage that is being read.
8. (In horse racing) A finish in second place.
9. An item on a list or in a sequence; SYN. position.
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berth · billet · blank space · home · lieu · office · piazza · plaza · position · post · property · seat · shoes · situatio · space · spot · station · stead · topographic point + prikaži više



ETYM Latin scaena, scena, Greek skene a covered place, a tent, a stage.
(Homonym: seen).
1. A consecutive series of picture
s that constitutes a unit of action in a film; SYN. shot.
2. A subdivision of an act of a play.
3. An incident (real or imaginary).
4. The graphic or photographic representation of a visual percept; SYN. view.
5. The place where some action occurs.
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aspect · conniption · fit · panoram · picture · prospect · scenery · setting · shot · tantrum · view · vista + prikaži više



ETYM Cf. Scot. and Dutch spat, Dan. spette, Swed. spott spittle, slaver; from the root of Eng. spit. Related to Spit to eject from the mouth, and cf. Spatter.
The diameter of the area on the target where the temperature determination is made. The spot is defined by the circular aperture at the target which allows typically 90%
of the ir energy from the target to be collected by the instrument. See also Size-of-Source Effect.
1. A small contrasting part of something; SYN. speckle, dapple, patch, fleck, maculation.
2. A section of an entertainment that is assigned to a specific performer or performance.
3. A short section or illustration (as between radio or tv programs or in a magazine) that is often used for advertising.
4. A playing card with a specified number of pips on it to indicate its value.
5. A place for entertainment.
6. A mark on a playing card (shape depending on the suit); SYN. pip.
7. (British) A small quantity; SYN. bit.
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Reč dana 19.09.2024.

imenica, medicina
muški rod, muzika
ženski rod, gramatika
ženski rod, telekomunikacije