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dure | francusko - engleski rečnik



1. Coriace. Matériau dur.
2. Rude. Climat dur.
3. Difficile. Avoir la vie dure.
4. Strict.
5. Intransigeant. L'aile dure du parti.

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ETYM Latin callosus callous hard, from callum, callus, callous skin: cf. French calleux.
Emotionally hardened; SYN. thick-skinned, indurate.

calloused · indurate · insensitive · pachydermatous · thickened · tough · toughened + prikaži više



ETYM From Difficulty.
1. Not easy; requiring great physical or mental effort to accomplish or comprehend or endure; SYN. hard.
2. Requiring much effort and trouble.



1. Not yielding to pressure or easily penetrated
2. Metaphorically hard
3. Dried out
4. Into a solid condition
5. Unfortunate or hard to bear; SYN. tough.
6. Very strong or vigorous; SYN. knockout,
7. Having a high alcoholic content; SYN. strong.
8. Said of a drinker or drinking; indulging intemperately; SYN. heavy.
9. Permanent, fixed, or physically defined; unchangeable by the ordinary operation of a computer system. See also hard copy, hard error, hard return, hard-sectored disk. Compare soft (definition 1).
10. Retaining magnetization even in the absence of an external magnetic field. Compare soft (definition 2).
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1. Devoid of feeling for others; SYN. stonyhearted, unfeeling.
2. Lacking in feeling or pity or warmth; SYN. heartless, hardhearted, hard hearted.



ETYM Latin solidus, probably akin to sollus whole, entire, Greek: cf. French solide. Related to Consolidate,Soda, Solder, Soldier, Solemn.
1. Acting together as a single undiversified whole; SYN. unanimous.
2. Entirely of a single color throughout;
SYN. self-colored, self-coloured.
3. Entirely of one substance with no holes inside.
4. Having three dimensions.
5. Incapable of being seen through.
6. Of definite shape and volume; firm; neither liquid nor gaseous.
7. Of good quality and condition; solidly built; SYN. strong, substantial.
8. Of good substantial quality.
9. Of one substance or character throughout.
10. Turned into or covered with thick ice.
11. Uninterrupted in space; having no gaps or breaks.
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coagulated · concrete · congealed · cubic · dry · firm · good · hard · hearty · homogeneous · homogenous · jelled · jellied · massive · opaque · satisfying · self-colored · self-coloured · semisolid · serious · solid-state · solidified · sound · square · strong · substantial · three-dimensional · unanimous · unbroken · undiversified · upstanding · whole · wholesome · worthy + prikaži više



Of or pertaining to steel; resembling steel, having the properties of steel
1. Resembling steel as in hardness
2. Resembling steel in hardness.




1. Of or pertaining to stone, consisting of, or abounding in, stone or stones; resembling stone; hard
2. Converting into stone; petrifying; petrific.
3. Inflexible; cruel; unrelenting; pitiless; obdurate; perverse; cold; morally hard

bouldered · bouldery · flinty · granitelike · granitic · hard · hardhearted · heartless · obdurate · rocklike · rocky · rough · unsmooth + prikaži više



1. Not given to gentleness or sentimentality
2. Physically toughened; SYN. toughened.
3. Tough to cut or chew.

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dure | francusko - engleski rečnik


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