good značenje | engleski leksikon

good značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / ɡʊd /

1. Agreeable or pleasing
2. Appealing to the mind; SYN. serious.
3. Capable of pleasing
4. Generally admired
5. Having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified
6. In
excellent physical condition; SYN. sound.
7. Morally admirable.
8. Most suitable or right for a particular purpose; SYN. right, ripe.
9. Not forged
10. Not left to spoil; SYN. unspoiled, unspoilt.
11. Of moral excellence; SYN. just, upright, virtuous.
12. Resulting favorably; SYN. well.
13. Thorough
14. Used of clothing; SYN. go-to-meeting, Sunday, Sunday-go-to-meeting.
Feeling healthy and free of aches and pains

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good značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / ɡʊd /

1. Well
2 — used as an intensive

soundly · thoroughly · well
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good značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / ɡʊd /

Množina: goods


1. Benefit.
2. Moral excellence or admirableness; SYN. goodness.
3. That which is good or valuable or useful; SYN. goodness.
In economics, a term often used to denote any product, including services. Equally, a good is often distinguished f
rom a service, as in “goods and services”. The opposite of a normal good, a product for which demand increases as a person’s income increases, is an inferior good, a product for which demand decreases as income increases. A free good is one which an individual or organization can consume in infinite quantities at no cost, like the air we breathe. However, most goods are economic goods, which are scarce in supply and therefore have an opportunity cost. In a free market, economic goods are allocated through prices.

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commodity · goodness · trade good
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