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(ou assener) porter (un coup).

allonger · appliquer · donner · décharger · frapper · lancer · porter + prikaži više
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(Irregular preterit, past participle: dealt).
1. To behave in a certain way towards others.
2. To do business; offer
for sale as for one's livelihood; SYN. sell, trade.
3. To distribute (cards) to the players in a game.
4. To give (a specific card) to a player.
5. To sell (especially drugs).
6. To take action with respect to (someone or something):.
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address · administer · allot · apportion · care · carry on · conduct · consider · contend · cope · cover · deal out · dish out · dispense · distribute · divvy up · dole out · get by · grapple · handle · look at · lot · make do · make out · manage · mete out · parcel out · plow · portion out · sell · share · shell out · take · trade · treat + prikaži više



1. To deliver a blow to, deliver a stroke to.
2. To hit a key or note; also used metaphorically:; SYN. hit.
3. To cause (an arc) to form (as between electrodes of an arc lamp).
4. To indicate
a certain time by striking, of clocks.
5. To remove by erasing or crossing out; SYN. expunge, excise.
6. To make an attack against an enemy or a target; SYN. hit.
7. To find unexpectedly:; SYN. come upon, light upon, chance upon, come across, chance on, happen upon, discover.
8. To arrive at or come upon, as of solutions to problems.
9. To stop work in order to press demands; SYN. walk out.
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affect · assume · attain · chance on · chance upon · coin · collide with · come across · come to · come upon · discove · excise · expunge · fall · fall upon · happen upon · hit · impinge on · impress · light upon · mint · move · run into · scratch · shine · strickle · strike down · take · take up · walk out + prikaži više

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