accepter prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

accepter | francusko - engleski rečnik



être d'accord
1. Admettre.
2. Supporter.
3. (Littéraire) Agréer.

Prevedi accepter na:

srpski · nemački



1. To admit into a group or community; SYN. admit, take, take on.
2. To give an affirmative reply to; respond favorably to; SYN. consent, go for.
3. To react favorably to; consider right an
d proper
4. To consider or hold as true
5. To be designed to hold or take; SYN. take.
6. Said of a deliberative body: receive (a report) officially, as from a committee.
7. To be sexually responsive to, used of a female domesticated mammal
8. To receive willingly something given or offered; SYN. take, have.
9. To tolerate or accommodate oneself to; SYN. swallow.
+ prikaži više

admit · assume · bear · consent · go for · have · live with · swallow · take · take in · take on · take over · take up + prikaži više

acquiesce to




1. To afford possibility; SYN. allow.
2. To allow participation in or the right to be part of; permit to exercise the rights, functions, and responsibilities
of; SYN. let in, include.
3. To allow to enter; grant entry to; SYN. allow in, let in.
4. To declare or acknowledge to be true; SYN. acknowledge.
5. To give access or entrance to.
6. To serve as a means of entrance.
7. Have room for; hold without crowding
8. Admit into a group or community
+ prikaži više

accept · accommodate · acknowledge · allow · allow in · hold · include · intromit · let in · take · take on + prikaži više



1. To allow or plan for a certain possibility; concede the truth or validity of something; SYN. take into account.
2. To allow
the presence of; SYN. permit.
3. To give or assign a share of money or time to a particular person or cause; SYN. appropriate, earmark, set aside, reserve.
4. To grant as a discount or in exchange.
5. To let have; to grant permission; SYN. grant.
+ prikaži više

admit · allow for · appropriate · countenance · earmark · give up · grant · leave · let · permit · provide · reserve · set aside · take into account · tolerate + prikaži više

consent to




To take up the cause or ideology of (beliefs, tasks, etc.); SYN. embrace, sweep up, adapt.

adopt · conjoin · embrace · follow · get hitched with · get married · hook up with · marry · sweep up · wed + prikaži više

go for


1. To go in quest of.
2. To accept; to agree to undertake.
3. When you go for something, you try to achieve it.
4. When
you have something going for you, you have an advantage that makes it easier for you to do something or get something that you want.
5. When you have something going for you, you have an advantage that makes it easier for you to do something or get something that you want.
+ prikaži više

accept · apply · consent · fancy · hold · hope · take to · try for + prikaži više

Reč dana 16.09.2024.

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