Množina: swallows
ETYM Old Eng. swalowe, as. swalewe, swealwe; akin to Dutch zwaluw, Old High Germ. swalawa, German schwalbe, Icel. and Swed. svala, Dan. svale.
1. A small amount of liquid food; SYN. sup.
2. The act of swallowing; SYN. drink, deglutition.
Množina: swallows
Small long-winged songbird noted for swift graceful flight and the regularity of its migrations.
Any bird of the family Hirundinidae of small, insect-eating birds in the order Passeriformes, with long, narrow wings and deeply forked tails. Swallows feed while flying.
Species include the barn swallow Hirundo rustica and the purple martin Progne subis.
1. To pass through the esophagus as part of eating or drinking; SYN. get down.
2. To engulf and destroy, as if by ingestion:
3. To believe or accept without questioning or challenge
4. To take back what one has said; SYN. take back, unsay, withdraw.
5. To utter indistinctly
6. To keep from expressing