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1. A system that provides quantitative information about finances.
2. The practice of gathering and analysing financial information.
. A bookkeeper's chronological list of related debits and credits of a business, forming part of a ledger of accounts; SYN. accounting system, method of accounting.
4. A convincing explanation that reveals basic causes
5. A statement of recent transactions and the resulting balance
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Bill-broker, dealer in bills of exchange. bill of adventure, declaration that merchandise shipped is not property of shipowner, whose liability is limited to safe delivery. bill of costs, solicitor's account of charges. bill of exchange, negotiable order to pay cash on or before certain date. bill of health, statement of health, especially as to infectious diseases, of persons aboard ship. bill of indictment, statement of accusation in criminal court. bill of lading, acknowledgment by ship's master that goods have been received on board, and promise of safe delivery. bill of sale, document transferring title to goods, especially as security for loan. bill of sight, outline description of goods being imported. bill of sufferance, permission to load or unload at certain ports without payment of duty. true bill, statement by grand jury that there was a prima facie case against accused.
1. A statement of money owed for goods or services; SYN. account, invoice.
2. A list of particulars (as a playbill or bill of fare).
3. A piece of paper money (especially one issued by a central bank); SYN. note, government note, bank bill, banker's bill, bank note, banknote, Federal Reserve note, greenback.
4. A statute in draft before it becomes law; SYN. measure.
5. The entertainment offered at a public presentation.
6. A long-handled saw with a curved blade; SYN. billhook.
7. A brim (of a hat) that projects to the front to shade the eyes; SYN. peak, eyeshade, visor, vizor.
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Federal Reserve note · account · bank bill · bank note · banker's bill · banknote · beak · billhook · broadsheet · broadside · card · circular · eyeshade · flier · flyer · government note · greenback · handbill · invoice · measure · neb · nib · note · notice · peak · pecker · placard · poster · posting · throwaway · visor · vizor + prikaži više



ETYM Latin deductio: cf. French déduction.
In philosophy, a form of argument in which the conclusion necessarily follows from the premises. It would be inconsis
tent logic to accept the premises but deny the conclusion.
1. An amount or percentage deducted; SYN. discount.
2. Reasoning from the general to the particular (or from cause to effect); SYN. deductive reasoning, synthesis.
3. Something that is inferred (deduced or entailed or implied); SYN. entailment, implication.
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deductive reasoning · discount · entailment · implication · price reduction · subtraction · synthesis · tax deduction · tax write-off + prikaži više



ETYM Cf. French liquidation.
Terminating a business operation; SYN. settlement.
In economics, the winding up of a company by converting all its assets into money to pay off its liabilities.



1. The final payment of a debt; SYN. final payment.
2. The act or occasion of receiving money or material gain especially as compensation or as a bribe
3. The clima
x of an incident or enterprise; specifically; the denouement of a narrative
4. A decisive fact or factor resolving a situation or bringing about a definitive conclusion
5. A payoff is money paid to someone to do something illegal or to allow you to do something illegal.
6. A benefit you gain because of an effort you make is a payoff.
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bribe · final payment · issue · proceeds · return · reward · take · takings · wages · yield + prikaži više



1. A message that is stated or declared; a communication (oral or written) setting forth particulars or facts etc
2. A nonverbal message
3. A document showing credits and debits; SYN. financial statement.
4. (Music) The presentation of a musical theme

affirmation · argument · assertion · command · financial statement · instruction · program line + prikaži više

Reč dana 06.10.2024.

imenica, gpl radicesmath
glagol, elektrotehnika
ženski rod, železnica
glagol, gramatika