marche prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

marché | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. Réunion de commerçants ambulants. Aller au marché.
2. Halle. Un marché couvert.
3. Achats. Faire s
on marché.
4. Affaire.
5. Contrat. Conclure un marché.
6. Débouché. Le marché d'un produit.
7. Mécanisme d'équilibre entre offre et demande. Le marché de l'emploi.
8. Bourse. La chute des marchés.

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Prevedi marche na:

srpski · nemački



ETYM Latin contractus, from contrahere: cf. French contrat, formerly also contract.
1. A variety of bridge in which the bidder receives
points toward game only for the number of tricks he bid; SYN. contract bridge.
2. A binding agreement between two or more persons especially one enforceable by law.
3. (Bridge) The highest bid becomes the contract setting the number of tricks that the bidder must make.
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ETYM Old Eng. del, deel, part, AS. dael; akin to OS. dęl, Dutch and Dan. deel, German theil, teil, Icel. deild, Swed. del, Goth. dails. Related to Dole.
(Card game) The act of distributing playing cards.
2. A particular instance of buying or selling; SYN. trade, business deal.
3. A plank of softwood (fir or pine board).
4. The act of apportioning or distributing something.
5. The type of treatment received (especially as the result of an agreement).
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bargain · batch · business deal · flock · good deal · great deal · hand · hatful · heap · lot · mass · mess · mickle · mint · muckle · peck · pile · plenty · pot · quite a little · raft · sight · slew · softwood · spate · stack · tidy sum · trade · wad · whole lot · whole slew + prikaži više



ETYM Latin, from Greek, belonging to commerce, from traveler, trader; en in + poros way through and over, path. Related to In, and Empiric.
A place of trade; a market place; a mart; esp., a city or town with extensive commerce; the commercial center of a country.



ETYM Akin to Dutch markt, Old High Germ. markât, merkât, German markt.
1. The customers for a particular product or service.
2. The securities markets in the aggregate; SYN. securities industry.
3. The world of commercial activity where goods and services are
bought and sold; SYN. marketplace.
Any situation where buyers and sellers are in contact with each other. This could be a street market or it could be a world market where buyers and sellers communicate via letters, faxes, telephones, and representatives.
In a perfect or free market, there are many buyers and sellers, so that no single buyer or seller is able to influence the price of the product; there is therefore perfect competition in the market. In an imperfect market either a few buyers or sellers (or even just one) dominates the market.
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food market · grocery · grocery store · marketplace · securities industry



1. An area in a town where a public market is set up; SYN. mart. market-place
2. The world of trade or economic activity; the everyday world
3. A sphere in which intangible values compete for acceptance

market · mart
marche | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

1. Pas.
2. Allure. Marche rapide.
3. Cheminement. Marche de 20 kilomètres.
4. Fonctionnement. En état de marche.
5. Progression. Marche d'une maladie.
6. Élément d'escalier. Monter trois marches.

Prevedi marche na:

srpski · nemački



A border region; frontier; especially; a district originally set up to defend a boundary — usually used in plural
Or (Italian) marcia In music, a piece originally intended to accompany marching soldiers or other people in procession, facilitating a regular and repeated drum rhythm.
One of the earliest known forms of music, marches are usually in duple time (2/4) or common time (4/4), with a strongly marked beat and regular phrasing. There are various types, distinguished by tempo: the funeral march, slow march, quick march, and, occasionally, double-quick march. The earliest examples of the march in art music are found in the work of Lully and Couperin in the 17th century. The march has been used ever since, from Mozart operas as in Die Zauberflöte/The Magic Flute 1791, to Beethoven’s Eroica symphony 1804, to Elgar’s Pomp and Circumstance Marches 1901. + prikaži više



ETYM Latin progressio: cf. French progression.
A series with a definite pattern of advance; SYN. patterned advance.
Sequence of numbers each occurring in a specific relation
ship to its predecessor. An arithmetic progression has numbers that increase or decrease by a common sum or difference (for example, 2, 4, 6, 8); a geometric progression has numbers each bearing a fixed ratio to its predecessor (for example, 3, 6, 12, 24); and a harmonic progression has numbers whose reciprocals are in arithmetical progression, for example 1, ˝, 1/3, Ľ. + prikaži više

advance · advancement · forward motion · onward motion · patterned advance · procession · progress + prikaži više



ETYM as. staepe. Related to Step.
(Homonym: steppe).
1. A place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway; SYN. stair.
2. A short distance.
3. The act of changing location by raising the foot and setting it down.

dance step · footfall · footmark · footprint · footstep · gradation · measure · pace · stair · stone's throw · stride · tone · whole step · whole tone + prikaži više



1. The horizontal part of a stair or step.
2. The part (as of a wheel or shoe) that touches the ground.

pace · stride

Reč dana 05.10.2024.

imenica, geografija
pridev, arhaično, zastarelo
imenica, geografija
ženski rod, botanika