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coupe | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

1. Action de couper. Coupe de cheveux.
2. Section. Coupe transversale.
3. Dépendance. Tomber sous la coupe de quelqu'un.
4. Récipient.
5. Verre. Coupe de champagne.
6. Trophée. Coupe sportive.

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In geometry, a solid or surface consisting of the set of all straight lines passing through a fixed point (the vertex) and the points of a circle or ellipse whose plane does not contain the vertex. A circular cone of perpendicular height, with its apex above the center of the circle, is known as a right circular cone; it is generated by rotating an isosceles triangle or framework about its line of symmetry. A right circular cone of perpendicular height h and base of radius r has a volume V = 1/3pr2h. The distance from the edge of the base of a cone to the vertex is called the slant height. In a right circular cone of slant height l, the curved surface area is prl, and the area of the base is pr2. Therefore the total surface area A = prl + pr2 = pr(l + r). + prikaži više



ETYM AS. cuppe, Late Lat. cuppa cup; cf. Latin cupa tub, cask; cf. also Greek kyph hut, Skr. kűpa pit, hollow, Old Slav. kupa cup. Related to Coop, Cupola, Cowl a water vessel, and Cob, Coif, Cop.
1. A small open containe
r usually used for drinking.
2. Any cup-shaped concavity.
3. The quantity a cup will hold; SYN. cupful.
4. A large metal vessel with two handles that is awarded to the winner of a competition; SYN. loving cup.
5. A liquid unit (used in the US) equal to 8 fluid ounces.
6. Punch served in a pitcher instead of a punch bowl.
7. The hole (or metal container in the hole) on a golf green.
8. Cup-shaped plant organ.
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cupful · loving cup



1. The act of cutting something into parts; SYN. cutting.
2. The act of penetrating or opening open with a sharp edge; SYN. cutting.
3. A wound made by cutting; SYN. gash, slash, slice.
4. In films: an immediate transition from one shot to the next
5. The act of reducing the amount or numbe
6. The act of shortening something by cutting off the ends; SYN. cutting, cutting off.
7. The style in which a garment is cut
8. A piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcass; SYN. cut of meat.
9. A share of the profits
10. A step on some scale
11. A stroke (in tennis or badminton or squash) that puts reverse spin on the ball
12. A trench resembling a furrow that was made by erosion or excavation; SYN. gash.
13. An unexcused absence from class
14. The division of a deck of cards before dealing; SYN. cutting.
15. A canal made by erosion or excavation.
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baseball swing · cold shoulder · cut of meat · cutting · cutting off · deletion · excision · gash · slash · slice · snub · stinger · swing · track · undercut + prikaži više



1. The act of cutting the hair.
2. The style in which hair haw been cut.



ETYM Latin sectio, from secare, sectum, to cut; akin to Eng. saw a cutting instrument: cf. French section. Related to Saw, Scion, Dissect, Insect, Secant, Segment.
1. A self-contained part of a larger composition; SYN. subdivision.
2. A very thin slice (of tissue or mineral or other substance) for examination un
der a microscope.
3. One of several pieces or parts that fit with others to constitute a whole object; SYN. segment.
4. A distinct region or subdivision of a territorial or political area or community or group of people.
5. A division of an orchestra containing all instruments of the same class.
6. A segment of a citrus fruit.
7. A land unit of 1 square mile measuring 1 mile on a side.
8. A small army unit usually having a special function.
9. A small team of policemen working as part of a police platoon.
10. (Geometry) The area created by a plane cutting through a solid; SYN. plane section.
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department · division · incision · part · plane section · segment · subdivision · surgical incision + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. slice, sclice, Old Fren. esclice, from esclicier, esclichier, to break to pieces, of German origin; cf. Old High Germ. slîzan to split, slit, tear, German schleissen to slit. Related to Slit.
1. A thin flat piece cut off of some object.
2. A share of something; SYN. piece.
3. A golf shot that curves to the right for a right-handed golfer; SYN. fade.
4. A spatula for spreading paint or ink.
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cut · fade · gash · piece · slash · slicing + prikaži više
coupé | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. Pas de danse, mouvement de celui qui, en dansant, se jette sur un pied et passe l'autre devant ou derrière.
2. Voiture qui n'a que deux portes, même s'il y a une banquette arrière.

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A two-door car with front seats and a luggage compartment.
four-wheeled closed horse-drawn carriage

coupé | francusko - engleski rečnik


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