coup prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

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muški rod

1. Choc. Coup de marteau.
2. (Littéraire) Horion. Échanger des coups.
3. Fois. Gagner ŕ tous les coups.
4. Opération. Monter un coup.
5. Évènement. Un coup de théâtre.

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ETYM Old Eng. blaw, blowe; cf. Old High Germ. bliuwan, pliuwan, to beat, German bläuen, Goth. bliggwan.
1. A powerful stroke with the fist or a weapon.
2. Forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth; SYN. puff.

C · black eye · blast · bump · coke · gust · nose candy · puff · reversal · reverse · setback · shock · snow + prikaži više



ETYM French, fromL. colaphus a cuff, Greek.
(French) “stroke”; successful action; coup d’état. coup de grâce, finishing blow; fatal blow. coup de main, sudden v
iolent onslaught. coup d’essai, experiment. coup d’état, sudden action whereby government is changed; short revolution, especially bloodless. coup d’oeil, swift survey or glance; what is thus seen. coup de soleil, sunstroke. coup de théâtre, sudden dramatic or sensational action.(Homonym: coo).
A brilliant and notable success. co-up.
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coup d'etat · putsch · takeover



ETYM Scot. and Colloq. U. S.
1. A quick short straight punch.
2. A sharp hand gesture (resembling a blow); SYN. jabbing, poke, poking, thrust, thrusting.

dig · jabbing · poke · poking · thrust · thrustin + prikaži više



(Homonym: nock).
1. The act of hitting vigorously; SYN. belt, rap, whack, whang.
2. The sound of knocking (as on a door or in an engine or bearing); SYN. knocking.
3. A vigorous blow; SYN. bash, bang, smash, belt.
4. Negative criticism; SYN. roast.
5. A bad experience.

bang · bash · belt · knocking · rap · roast · smash · whack · whang + prikaži više



1. A blow hard enough to cause injury
2. A solid missile discharged from a firearm; SYN. pellet.
3. An explosive charge used in blasting.
4. An informal word for any atte
mpt or effort
5. An aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect; SYN. shaft, slam, dig, barb, jibe, gibe.
6. An attempt to score in a game.
7. A heavy metal ball used in the shot put
8. (Informal) A chance to do something; SYN. crack.
9. A person who shoots (as regards their ability); SYN. shooter.
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barb · blastoff · crack · dead reckoning · dig · gib · guess · guessing · guesswork · injection · jibe · nip · pellet · scene · shaft · shooter · shooting · slam · snap · snapshot · stab · stroke + prikaži više



1. A sharp slap or blow; SYN. hit, slap.
2. The act of hitting something; SYN. smacking, slap.
3. An enthusiastic kiss; SYN. smooch.

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