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muški rod

1. Cible.
2. Objectif.
3. Fin.
4. Ambition.

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ETYM Cf. Old Fren. esme estimation, from esmer. Related to Aim.
1. The action of directing something at an object.
2. The
goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable); SYN. object, objective, target.
3. An anticipated outcome that is intended or that guides your planned actions
4. The direction or path along which something moves or along which it lies
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bearing · design · heading · intent · intention · object · objective · purpose · target + prikaži više



ETYM French ambition, Latin ambitio a going around, especially of candidates for office is Rome, to solicit votes (hence, desire for office or honor, from ambire to go around. Related to Ambient, Issue.
1. A cherished desire; SYN. aspiration, dream.
2. A strong drive for success; SYN. ambitiousness.



ETYM Cf. dessein, dessin.
1. A decorative or artistic work; SYN. pattern, figure.
2. A preliminary sketch indicating the plan for something.
3. An arrangement scheme; SYN. plan.
4. The act of working out the form of something (as by making a sketch or outline or plan); SYN. designing.

aim · blueprint · conception · designing · excogitation · figure · innovation · intent · intention · invention · pattern · plan · purpose + prikaži više



1. A place toward which players of a game try to advance a ball or puck in order to score points.
2. A successful attempt at scoring.

destination · end · finish



ETYM Old Eng. entent, entente, attention, purpose, Old Fren. entente, French entente understanding, meaning; a participial noun, from French and Old Fren. entendre. Related to Intend.
The intended meaning of a communication; SYN. purport, spirit.

aim · design · intention · purport · purpose · spirit + prikaži više



ETYM Latin objectus. Related to Object.
In grammar, the recipient of the action of the verb in a sentence. The object can be a noun, a pronoun, a
noun phrase, or a noun clause. Transitive verbs take a direct object and with some verbs there may also be an indirect object.
1. A grammatical constituent that is acted upon.
2. A physical (tangible and visible) entity; SYN. physical object.
3. The focus of cognitions or feelings.
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aim · objective · physical object · targe



Aim set by a business organization against which it can judge its success. For example, a firm may set as its objective a doubling in output over five years, or a 20% increase in profit over twelve months.
The lens or system of lenses nearest the object being viewed; SYN. object glass.

aim · object · object glass · object lens · objective lens · target + prikaži više



ETYM French point, and probably also pointe, Latin punctum, puncta, from pungere, punctum, to prick. Related to Pungent, Puncto, Puncture.
1. (British) A wall socket; SYN. power point.
2. A V shape; SYN. tip, peak.
3. A V-shaped mark at one end of an arrow pointer; SYN. head.
4. A brief version of the essential meaning of something.
5. A distinguishing or individuating characte
6. A geometric element that has position but no extension.
7. A linear unit used to measure the size of type; approximately 1/72 inch.
8. A promontory extending out into a large body of water.
9. A style in speech or writing that arrests attention and has a penetrating or convincing quality or effect.
10. A very short period of time; SYN. point in time.
11. A very small circular shape; SYN. dot.
12. An outstanding characteristic; SYN. spot.
13. Sharp end.
14. The muzzle's direction; SYN. gunpoint.
15. The object of an activity.
16. The precise location of something; a spatially limited location.
17. The property of a shape that tapers to a sharp point; SYN. pointedness.
18. The unit of counting in scoring a game or contest.
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ETYM Old Fren. purpos, pourpos, propos, Latin propositum. Related to Propound.
An anticipated outcome that is intended or guides one's planned actions; SYN. intent, intention, aim, design.

aim · desig · determination · function · intent · intention · role · use + prikaži više



1. A reference point to shoot at; SYN. mark.
2. An object set up for a marksman or archer to aim at; SYN. butt.
3. The location of the target that is to be hit; SYN. target area.

aim · butt · fair game · mark · object · objective · prey · quarry · target area + prikaži više
but | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rodsport
abreuver · absorber · arroser · aspirer · avaler · avoir le bec salé · biberonner · bidonner · boissonner · buvoter · chopiner · consommer · déguster · dépenser · endurer · entonner · essuyer · fouetter · godailler · humer · ingurgiter · ivrogner · lamper · laper · lever le coude · lichailler · licher · lipper · picoler · pictancher · picter · pictonner · pinter · pomper · prendre · recevoir · renifler · respirer · riboter · rincer · s'abreuver · s'alcooliser · s'aviner · s'enivrer · s'humecter · s'imbiber · s'imprégner · s'inonder · s'ivrogner · sabler · savourer · se cocarder · se désaltérer · se gargariser · se lester · se pénétrer · se rafraîchir · se remplir · se rincer la dalle · se soûler · se taper · se taper un verre · siffler · siroter · soiffer · souffrir · sucer · supporter · tolérer · trinquer · téter · vider · vider un verre · écluser · éponger · étancher sa soif + prikaži više
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1. A landing (as the wheels touch the landing field); especially of airplanes.
2. A score in American football; being in possession of the ball across the opponents' goal line.

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Reč dana 08.09.2024.

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muški rod, hemija