attraper prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

attraper | francusko - engleski rečnik



1. Prendre.
2. Happer.
3. Agripper.
4. Attraper une corde.
5. Tromper.
6. Attraper par ruse.
7. Disputer. Attraper un écolier.

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srpski · nemački



1. To catch as if by hunting, snaring, or trapping; SYN. catch.
2. To take after a conquest or invasion; as of land; SYN. seize, take over, conquer.
To succeed in representing or expressing something intangible.
4. To attract; cause to be enamored; SYN. enamour, trance, catch, becharm, enamor, captivate, beguile, charm, fascinate, bewitch, entrance, enchant.
5. To bring about the capture of an elementary particle or celestial body and causing it enter a new orbit.
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(Irregular preterit, past participle: caught).
1. To take hold of so as to seize or restrain or stop the motion of; SYN. grab, take hold of.
2. To reach in time.
3. To perceive with the senses quickly, suddenly, or momentarily; SYN. pick up.
4. To apprehend and reproduce accurately; SYN. get.
5. To become aware of.
6. To grasp with the mind; SYN. get, understand.
. To hear, usually without the knowledge of the speakers; SYN. take in, overhear.
8. To get or regain something necessary, usually quickly or briefly.
9. To delay or hold up; prevent from proceeding on schedule or as planned.
10. To discover or come upon accidentally, suddenly, or unexpectedly; catch somebody doing something or in a certain state.
11. To spread or be communicated.
12. To start burning.
13. To suffer from the receipt of; SYN. get.
14. To attract and fix; SYN. arrest, get.
15. To be struck or affected by;,, etc.
16. To be the catcher, in baseball.
17. To cause to become accidentally or suddenly caught, ensnared, or entangled.
18. To check oneself during an action.
19. To contract.
20. To perceive by hearing; SYN. get.
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arrest · becharm · beguile · bewitch · captivate · capture · catch up · catch up with · charm · enamor · enamour · enchant · entrance · fascinate · get · grab · hitch · overhear · overtake · pick up · see · take hold of · take in · trance · trip up · view · watch + prikaži više

come down with


When you are starting to get sick, you are coming down with something or coming down with an illness.



Legal agreement between two or more parties, where each party agrees to do something. For example, a contract of employment is a legal agreement between an employer and an employee and lays out the conditions of employment. Contracts need not necessarily be written; they can be verbal contracts. In consumer law, for example, a contract is established when a good is sold.
A contract made in the proper form may be unenforceable if it is made under a mistake, misrepresentation, duress, or undue influence, or if one of the parties does not have the capacity to make it (for example, minors and people who are insane). Illegal contracts are void, including those to commit a crime or civil wrong, those to trade with the enemy, immoral contracts, and contracts in restraint of trade. Contracts by way of gaming and wagering are also void.
In a contract each party mutually obliges himself or herself to the other for exchange of property or performance for a consideration.
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abbreviate · abridge · compact · compress · concentrate · condense · constrict · cut · foreshorten · get · narrow · narrow down · press · reduce · shorten · shrink · sign · sign on · sign up · squeeze · take · undertake + prikaži više



1. To seize suddenly.
2. To tag the base runner to get him out.

apprehend · arrest · co · collar · nail · pick up + prikaži više



(Alternate spelling: seise).
(Homonym: seas).
1. To take by force.
2. To take hold of; also metaphorically; SYN. prehend, clutch.

appropriate · arrogate · assume · attach · capture · clutch · confiscate · conquer · get hold of · grab · impound · prehend · sequester · take over · usurp + prikaži više



To catch with a snare; to ensnare; to entangle; to catch in a trap.

ensnare · entrap · hook · trammel · trap



ETYM as. treppan. Related to Trap a snare.
1. To catch in or as if in a trap; SYN. entrap, snare, ensnare, trammel.
2. To hold or catch as if in a trap.
3. To place in a confining or embarrassing position.
4. To hold fast or prevent from moving; SYN. pin, immobilize.
Light one-horse carriage with springs.

ensnare · entrap · immobilise · immobilize · pin · snare · trammel + prikaži više
attraper | francusko - engleski rečnik
attraper | francusko - engleski rečnik


glagolarręté par la police
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