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1. A building in which commercial banking is transacted; SYN. bank building.
2. A small, hollow object in which one keeps one's money SYN. piggybank.
3. The funds held by a gambling house or the dealer in some gambling games
4. A fligh
t maneuver; aircraft tips laterally about its longitudinal axis (especially in turning).
5. A long ridge or pile
6. A slope in the turn of a road or track; the outside is higher than the inside in order to reduce the effects of centrifugal force; SYN. cant, camber.
7. A supply or stock held in reserve especially for future use (especially in emergencies).
8. An arrangement of similar objects in a row or in tiers
9. Sloping land (especially the slope beside a body of water)

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(Bauwesen) Aufschüttung aus Erde oder Steinen, Unterbau für Verkehrswege, als Schutz gegen Überschwemmungen, zum Aufstauen von Wasser.

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Je nach CAD- oder Grafikprogramm eine mehr oder weniger lockere Verbindung von geometrische Elementen, die als Gruppe ausgewählt und dann bewegt, kopiert, . oder gelöscht werden können.

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mathemat. Ausdruck gebildet aus der Summierung der Glieder einer Zahlen-Folge. Bei arithmet. R. ist die Differenz zw. ihnen, bei geometr. R. der Quotient zweier aufeinanderfolgender Glieder gleich.

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Überreste vor- oder frühgeschichtl. Befestigungsanlagen.

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bank | englesko - nemački rečnik



Financial institution that uses funds deposited with it to lend money to companies or individuals, and also provides financial services to its customers. The first banks opened in Italy and Catalonia around 1400.
In 1900 half the world's top ten banks were British; by 1950, the dominant banking nation had become th
e us, with half of the world's top ten banks based there. In terms of assets, seven of the world's top ten banks were Japanese in 1988.
A central bank (in the us, the Federal Reserve System) issues currency for the government, in order to provide cash for circulation and exchange. A savings bank serves personal accounts and is licensed by the state in which it and its branches may operate. A commercial bank may have branches throughout the nation, since it services businesses, and sometimes becomes an international institution. There are also various forms of both public and private savings and loan companies that are called banks.

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1. Any group of similar electrical devices connected together for use as a single device. For example, transistors may be connected in a row/column array inside a chip to form memory, or several memory chips may be connected together to form a memory module such as a SIMM. See also SIMM. 2. A section of memory, usually of a size convenient for a CPU to address. For example, an 8-bit processor can address 65,536 bytes of memory; therefore, a 64-kilobyte (64-KB) memory bank is the largest that the processor can address at once. To address another 64-KB bank of memory requires circuitry that fools the CPU into looking at a separate block of memory. See also bank switching, page (definition 2).

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1. To be in the banking business.
2. To cover with ashes, of fires, to control the rate of burning.
3. To do business with a bank or keep an account at a bank
4. To enclose with a bank
5. To tip laterally; of boats and aircraft.
6. To make slope; said especially of a turn on a highway or racetrack

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