1. To begin, or enable someone else to begin, a venture by providing the means, logistics, etc.
2. To get ready for a particular purpose or event; SYN. lay out. setup, set-up
1. Fixer.
2. Installer. Établir son domicile.
3. Définir.
4. Instituer. Établir les règles du jeu.
5. Prouver. Établir les faits.
1. Créer. Fonder une société.
2. Établir. Fonder son autorité.
3. Justifier. Fonder une conclusion.
1. Établir. S'installer en province.
2. Aménager. Installer une maison.
3. Placer. Installer un meuble.
4. Mettre. Installer l'électricité.
1. Établir.
2. Fonder.
1. Placer.
2. Disposer. Mettre en avant.
3. Employer. Mettre les grands moyens.
4. Se vêtir de. Mettre sa chemise.
5. (Pron.) Commencer. Se mettre au travail.
Well established and ready to function
After the parts of something are in their proper position and function properly, they are set up.
When an activity or project is planned, arranged, or organized, it is set up.
When you arrange the parts of something so that they are in their proper position and can function, you set it up.
When you plan and organize an activity or project, you set it up.