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muški rod

Mera za težinu, teg u Zadnjoj Indiji = 1 1/2 engl. funta = 680,388 g; vrsta kalajnog novca.

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ETYM French avenue, from avenir to come to, Latin advenire. Related to Advene.
1. A line of approach.
2. A wide street or thoroughfare; SYN. boulevard.




ETYM A different spelling and application of bought bend.
1. As much of an action as is performed at one time; a going and returning; a turn; a round.
2. A conflict; contest; attempt; trial.

binge · bust · round · tear · turn



ETYM Old Eng. cauci, cauchie, Old Fren. cauchie, French chaussée, from Late Lat. (via) calciata, fr calciare to make a road, either from Latin calx lime, hence, to pave with limestone (cf. Eng. chalk).
A road that is raised above water or marshland or sand.




1. A physiological state corresponding to a strong need or desire.
2. The act of applying force to propel something; SYN. thrust, driving force.
3. A journey in a vehicle driven by s
omeone else; SYN. ride.
4. The trait of being highly motivated
5. A mechanism by which force or power is transmitted in a machine
6. A wide scenic road planted with trees; SYN. parkway.
7. Hitting a golf ball off of a tee with a driver; SYN. driving.
8. The act of driving a herd of animals overland.
9. A hard straight return (as in tennis or squash).
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campaign · cause · crusade · driveway · driving · driving force · effort · movement · parkway · private road · ride · thrust + prikaži više



(Homonym: gate).
1. A horse's manner of moving.
2. A person's manner of walking.




1. A length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving point.
2. A mark that is long relative to its width
3. A linear string of words expressing some idea
4. A formation of people or things one after another
5. A formation of people or things beside one another
6. Something lo
ng and thin and flexible.
7. A conceptual separation or demarcation:; SYN. dividing line, demarcation, contrast.
8. A fortified position (especially one marking the most forward position of troops)
9. A particular kind of product; SYN. product line, line of products, line of merchandise, business line, line of business.
10. A commercial organization serving as a common carrier.
11. Railroad track and roadbed; SYN. railway line, rail line.
12. In games or sports; a mark indicating positions or bounds of the playing area.
13. Acting in conformity; or or
14. A single frequency (or very narrow band) of radiation in a spectrum.
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agate line · air · ancestry · argumentation · assembly line · bank line · billet · blood · blood line · bloodline · business · business line · cable · channel · communication channel · contrast · course · crease · credit line · crinkle · demarcation · descent · dividing line · furrow · job · line of business · line of credit · line of descent · line of merchandise · line of products · line of reasoning · line of work · lineage · logical argument · melodic line · melodic phras · melody · note · occupation · origin · parentage · pedigree · personal credit line · personal line of credit · phone line · pipeline · product line · production line · rail line · railway line · seam · short letter · stemma · stoc · strain · subscriber line · telephone circuit · telephone line · transmission line · tune · wrinkle + prikaži više



ETYM French passage. Related to Pass.
1. A path or channel through or along which someone or something may pass.
2. A path or channel or duct through or along which something may pass; SYN. passageway.
3. The act of passing something
to another person; SYN. handing over.
4. A short section of a text or a musical composition; SYN. musical passage.
5. The act of passing from one stage to the next; SYN. transition.
6. A process of passing from one place or stage to another; SYN. passing.
7. A journey usually by ship; SYN. transit.
In music, a nontechnical term referring to a length of music of unfixed duration, but usually a short section, which is characterized by a single melodic or textural feature.
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enactment · handing over · musical passage · passageway · passing · transit · transition + prikaži više



ETYM As. paeth, path; akin to Dutch pad, German pfad, of uncertain origin; cf. Greek patos, Skr. patha, path.
1. A line or route along which something travels or moves; SYN. track, course.
2. A way especially designed for a particular use.
3. An established line of travel or access; SYN. route.

course · itinerary · route · track · way · way of life + prikaži više



1. A trodden path; SYN. footpath.
2. A line of communication over interconnecting neurons extending from one organ or center to another; also; a network of interconnecting neurons along which a nerve impulse travels
3. The sequence of usually enzyme-catalyzed reactions by which one substance is converted into another

footpath · nerve pathway · nerve tract · tract



1. An act of riding; especially; a trip on horseback or by vehicle
2. A way (as a road or path) suitable for riding
3. Any of various mechanic
al devices (as at an amusement park) for riding on
4. A trip on which gangsters take a victim to murder him; something likened to such a trip
5. A means of transportation
6. The qualities of travel comfort in a vehicle
7. A mechanical device that one rides for amusement or excitement.
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ETYM as. râd a riding, that on which one rides or travels, a road, from rîdan to ride. Related to Ride, Raid.
1. A way or means to achieve something.
2. An open way (generally public) for travel or transportation; SYN. route.
Specially constructed route for wheeled vehicles to travel on.
Reinforced tracks became necessary with the invention of wheeled vehicles in about 3000 BC and most ancient civilizations had some form of road network. The Romans develop
ed engineering techniques that were not equaled for another 1,400 years.
Until the late 18th century most European roads were haphazardly maintained, making winter travel difficult. In the UK the turnpike system of collecting tolls created some improvement. The Scottish engineers Thomas Telford and John McAdam introduced sophisticated construction methods in the early 19th century. Recent developments have included durable surface compounds and machinery for rapid ground preparation.
In the US, the first roads were paved in colonial times, first with logs (corduroy roads), later with cobblestones and Belgian building blocks or brick, depending on the region. With the advent of motor vehicles, roads were constructed to reduce time spent draining, fixing flat tires, and seeking services; highways, parkways, freeways, and interstates now offer multilane, landscaped roads, with service areas at roadside, including motels, restaurants, and service stations.
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ETYM the crown.
1. A charge of ammunition for a single shot; SYN. unit of ammunition, one shot.
2. A serving to each of a group (usually alcoholic); SYN. round of drinks.
3. An outburst of applause.
/> 4. The course along which communications spread.
5. The usual activities in one's day; SYN. daily round.
6. A partsong in which voices follow each other; one voice starts and others join in one after another until all are singing different parts of the song at the same time.
7. A cut of beef between the rump and the lower leg.
8. In music, an alternate name for a canon, in which voices imitate each other exactly.
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beat · bout · circle · cycle · daily round · one shot · rhythm · round of drinks · round of golf · rung · stave · troll · turn · unit of ammunition + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. and French route, Old Fren. rote, from Latin rupta (sc. via), from ruptus, p. p. of rumpere to break; hence, literally, a broken or beaten way or path. Related to Rout, Rut a track.
(Homonym: rout).
1. A line of travel; course.
2. An established or selected course of travel or action; an assigned territory to be systematically covered.
3. A traveled way; highway; a means of access; channel.
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itinerary · path · road



ETYM AS. thurhfaru.
A public road from one place to another.



An extended journey; SYN. circuit.

circuit · duty tou · enlistment · go · hitch · spell · term of enlistment · tour of duty · turn + prikaži više



ETYM Old Fren. trac track of horses, mules, trace of animals; of Teutonic origin; cf.Dutch trek a drawing, trekken to draw, travel, march, Mid. High Germ. trechen, pret. trach. Related to Trick.
1. Any road or path affording passage especially a r
ough one; SYN. cart track, cartroad.
2. A groove on a phonograph recording.
3. Any mark left by an animal, especially footprints.
4. A bar or bars of rolled steel making a track along which vehicles can roll; SYN. rail, rails.
5. The act of participating in an athletic competition involving running on a track; SYN. running.
6. (Computer science) One of the circular magnetic patterns on a magnetic disk that serve as a guide for writing and reading data; SYN. data track.
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cart track · cartroad · caterpillar track · caterpillar tread · course · cut · data track · lead · path · racecourse · racetrack · raceway · rail · rails · running · trail + prikaži više



ETYM Cf. French trajectoire.
The path followed by a moving object; SYN. flight.




ETYM Latin transitus, from transire to go over: cf. French transit. Related to Transient.
In astronomy, the passage of a smaller object across the visible disc of a larger one. Transits of the inferior planets occur when they pass directly between the Earth and the Sun, and are seen as tiny dark sp
ots against the Sun's disc.
Other forms of transit include the passage of a satellite or its shadow across the disc of Jupiter and the passage of planetary surface features across the central meridian of that planet as seen from Earth. The passage of an object in the sky across the observer's meridian is also known as a transit.
1. The act of passing; passage through or over.
2. The act or process of causing to pass; transportation.
3. A line or route of passage or transportation.
4. An instrument resembling a theodolite, used by surveyors and engineers to measure angles.
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1. A journey for some purpose (usually including the return); SYN. voyage, journey, travel, travels, hike.
2. A light or nimble tread
3. A hallucinatory experience induced by drugs
4. An unintentional but embarrassing blunder; SYN. stumble, misstep.

head trip · misstep · slip · stumble · trip-up · tripper + prikaži više



1. By way of
2. Through the medium or agency of; also; by means of



(Homonym: wok).
1. The act of traveling by foot; SYN. walking.
2. The act of walking somewhere.
3. Manner of walking; SYN. manner of walking.
4. A slow gait of a horse in which two feet are always on the ground.
5. A path set aside for walking; SYN. walkway, paseo, sidewalk.

base on balls · manner of walking · paseo · pass · walk of life · walking · walkway + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. wey, way, as. weg.
(Homonym: weigh, whey).
1. A course of conduct; SYN. path, way of life.
2. A general category of things; used in t
he expression.
3. A journey or passage.
4. A portion of something divided into shares.
5. Any road or path affording passage from one place to another.
6. Doing as one pleases or chooses.
7. The condition of things generally; or.
8. The property of distance in general; (colloquial); SYN. ways.
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agency · direction · elbow room · fashio · manner · means · mode · path · room · style · way of life + prikaži više
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Reč dana 21.09.2024.

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