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Obris, figura, obličje, crte lica.

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ETYM Old Eng. contenance, countenaunce, demeanor, composure, French contenance demeanor, from Latin continentia continence, Late Lat. also, demeanor, from Latin continere to hold together, repress, contain. Related to Contain, Continence.
1. The appearance conveyed by a person's face; SYN. visage.
2. The human face ('kisser' and 'smiler' and 'mug' are informal terms for 'face'); SYN. physiognomy, visage, kisser, smiler, mug.
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endorsement · imprimatur · indorsement · kisser · mug · phiz · physiognomy · sanction · smiler · visage · warrant + prikaži više



ETYM Latin effigies, from effingere to form, fashion; ex + fingere to form, shape, devise. Related to Feign.
A likeness of a person (especially in the form of sculpture); SYN. image, simulacrum.

image · simulacrum



ETYM Old Eng. and French forme, from Latin forma; cf. Skr. dhariman. Related to Firm.
In Greek and medieval European philosophy, that which makes a thing what it is. For Plato, a Form was an immaterial, independent object, which could not be perceived by the senses and was known only by reason; thus, a horse was a thing participating in the Form of horseness. For Aristotle, forms existed only in combination with matter: a horse was a lump of matter having the form of a horse—that is, the essential properties (see essence) and powers of a horse. However, Ari
stotle, like the medieval philosophers after him, does not make it clear whether there is a different form for each individual, or only for each type or species.
In Platonic philosophy Form is generally capitalized and is synonymous with his use of idea.
In logic, the form of a proposition is the kind or species to which it belongs, such as the universal (“All x are y”) or the negative (“No x are y”). Logical form is contrasted with the content, or what the proposition individually is about.1. A perceptual structure or shape; SYN. shape, pattern.
2. A particular mode in which something is manifested.
3. The visual appearance of something or someone; SYN. shape, cast.
4. A mold for setting concrete.
5. An ability to perform well.
6. An arrangement of the elements in a composition or discourse.
7. A printed document with spaces in which to write.
8. The phonological or orthographic sound or appearance of a word; SYN. word form.
9. (Biology) A group of organisms within a species that differ in trivial ways from similar groups; SYN. variant, strain, var.
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anatomy · bod · build · cast · chassis · class · configuration · conformation · contour · descriptor · figure · fles · frame · grade · human body · kind · manakin · manikin · mannequin · mannikin · material body · pattern · phase · physical body · physique · shape · signifier · soma · sort · strain · var. · variant · variety · word form + prikaži više



ETYM Latin, from Greek eikon.
Sacred or monumental image, statue, painting, etc.; picture on computer monitor to represent command.
In the Greek or Eastern Orthodox Church, a representation of Jesus, Mary, an angel, or a saint, in painting, low relief, or mosaic. The painted icons were traditionally done on wood. After the 17th century and mainly in Russia, a riza, or gold and silver covering that leav
es only the face and hands visible (and may be adorned with jewels presented by the faithful in thanksgiving), was often added as protection.
Icons were regarded as holy objects, based on the doctrine that God became visible through Christ. Icon painting originated in the Byzantine Empire, but many examples were destroyed by the iconoclasts in the 8th and 9th centuries. The Byzantine style of painting predominated in the Mediterranean region and in Russia until the 12th century, when Russian, Greek, and other schools developed. Notable among them was the Russian Novgorod school, inspired by the work of the Byzantine refugee Theophanes the Greek. Andrei Rublev is the outstanding Russian icon painter.
A conventional religious picture painted in oil on a small wooden panel; venerated in the Eastern Church; SYN. ikon.
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ETYM French, from Latin imago, imaginis, from the root of imitari to imitate. Related to Imitate, Imagine.
An iconic mental representation; SYN. mental image.

double · effigy · epitome · figure · figure of speech · icon · ikon · look-alike · mental image · paradigm · persona · picture · prototype · simulacrum · trope + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. imagerie, French imagerie.
1. Images in general, or in mass.
2. Figurative meaning: Unreal show; imitation; appearance.
3. The work of the imagination or fancy; false ideas; i
maginary phantasms.
4. Rhetorical decoration in writing or speaking; vivid descriptions presenting or suggesting images of sensible objects; figures in discourse.
The use of metaphor, simile, and other figures of speech that create sensual comparisons; the use of symbols and descriptive language. The aim is to clarify or explain, to enable the reader to see in a different light or from a different angle.
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ETYM Old Eng. shap, schap, as. sceap in gesceap creation, creature, from the root of scieppan, scyppan, sceppan, to shape, to do, to effect.
1. Any spatial attribute (especially as defined by outline); SYN. form, configuration, contour.
2. The spatial arrangement of something as distinct from its substance; SYN. form.
3. A concrete representation of an otherwise nebulous concept; SYN. embodiment.
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SHAPE · Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe · anatomy · bod · build · cast · chassis · condition · configuration · conformation · contour · embodiment · figure · fles · form · frame · human body · material body · pattern · physical body · physique · soma + prikaži više



ETYM French similitude, Latin similitudo, from similis similar. Related to Similar.
1. The quality or state of being similar or like; resemblance; likeness; similarity.
2. The act of likening one thing to another; imaginative comparison; a simile.



1. The physical magnitude of something (how big it is)
2. The property resulting from being one of a series of
graduated measurements (as of clothing)
3. A large magnitude
4. (Informal) The actual state of affairs; SYN. size of it.
5. Any glutinous material used to fill pores in surfaces or to stiffen fabrics; SYN. sizing.
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size of it · sizing

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