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Approaching a particular destination; a coming closer; a narrowing of a gap; SYN. closure.

close · closedown · closure · completion · conclusion · culmination · end · ending · mop up · shutdown · shutting · windup + prikaži više



ETYM Of. closure, Latin clausura, from clauedere to shut. Related to Close.
1. A rule for ending debate in a deliberative body; SYN. cloture, gag rule.
2. Termination of operations; SYN. closedown, closing, shutdown.

block · blockage · closedown · closing · cloture · gag law · gag rule · law of closure · occlusion · resolution · settlement · shutdown · stop · stoppage + prikaži više



1. A reasoned judgment; inference
2. The necessary consequence of two or more propositions taken as premises; especially; the inferred proposition of
a syllogism
3. The last part of something: as result, outcome
4. plural; trial of strength or skill — used in the phrase try conclusions
5. A final summation
6. The final decision in a law case
7. The final part of a pleading in law
8. An act or instance of concluding
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close · closing · decision · determination · end · ending · finale · finis · finish · last · ratiocination · stopping point · termination + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. and as. ende; akin to os. endi, Dutch einde, eind, Old High Germ. enti, German ende, Icel. endir, endi, Swed. ände, Dan. ende, Goth. andeis, Skr. anta. Related to Ante-, Anti-, Answer.
1. The concluding part of an event or occurrence; SYN. last.
2. A boundary marking the extremities of something. /> 3. A final part or section.
4. A final state; SYN. destruction, death.
5. The surface at either extremity of a three-dimensional object.
6. A position on the line of scrimmage.
7. Either extremity of something that has length.
8. One of two places from which people are communicating to each other; or.
9. (Football) The person who plays at one end of the line of scrimmage.
10. The part one is expected to play.
11. The point in time at which something ends; SYN. ending.
12. A piece of cloth that is left over after the rest has been used or sold; SYN. remainder, remnant, scrap, oddment.
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close · closing · conclusion · death · destruction · ending · final stage · goal · last · oddment · remainder · remnant + prikaži više



ETYM Old Fren. issue, eissue, French issue, from Old Fren. issir, eissir, to go out, Latin exire.
1. An important question that is in dispute and must be settled. /> 2. One of a series published periodically; SYN. number.
3. Supplies (as food or clothing or ammunition) issued by the government; SYN. military issue, government issue.
4. The act of issuing printed materials; SYN. publication.
5. The provision of something by issuing it (usually in quantity); SYN. issuing, issuance.
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consequence · effect · egress · emergence · event · exit · government issue · issuance · issuing · matter · military issue · number · offspring · outcome · outlet · payof · proceeds · progeny · publication · result · return · subject · take · takings · topic · upsho · way out · yield + prikaži više
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ETYM Latin deductio: cf. French déduction.
In philosophy, a form of argument in which the conclusion necessarily follows from the premises. It would be inconsis
tent logic to accept the premises but deny the conclusion.
1. An amount or percentage deducted; SYN. discount.
2. Reasoning from the general to the particular (or from cause to effect); SYN. deductive reasoning, synthesis.
3. Something that is inferred (deduced or entailed or implied); SYN. entailment, implication.
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deductive reasoning · discount · entailment · implication · price reduction · subtraction · synthesis · tax deduction · tax write-off + prikaži više

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