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ETYM Old Eng. band, bond, Icel. band; akin to German, Swed., and Dutch band, Old High Germ. bant, Goth. bandi, Skr. bandha a binding, bandh to bind, for bhanda, bhandh, also to Eng. bend, bind. Related to Bind, Bend, Bond, Bandy.
(Homonym: banned).
1. A strip or stripe of a contrasting color or material; SYN. banding, stripe.
2. A stripe of contrasting color; SYN. stria, striation.
3. Band of radio frequencies for e.g. transmitting a TV signal; SYN. frequency band.
4. A group of musicians.
5. A strip wrapped around something to hold it together.
6. Something elongated that is worn around the body or one of the limbs.
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banding · circle · dance band · dance orchestra · isthmus · lo · ring · set · stria · striation · stripe + prikaži više



1. A church congregation guided by a pastor.
2. A group of birds.
3. A group of sheep or goats.

batch · deal · fold · good deal · great deal · hatful · heap · lot · mass · mess · mickle · mint · muckle · peck · pile · plenty · pot · quite a little · raft · sight · slew · spate · stack · tidy sum · troop · wad · whole lot · whole sle + prikaži više



ETYM AS. scolu, sceolu, a company, multitude, crowd, akin to OS. skola; probably originally, a division, and akin to Icel. skilja to part, divide. Related to Skill, School. of fishes.
1. A sandbank in a stretch of water that is visible at low tide.
2. A stretch of shallow water; SYN. shallow.

school · shallow



ETYM French troupe, Old Fren. trope, trupe, Late Lat. troppus; of uncertain origin; cf. Icel. thorp a hamlet, village, German dorf a village, dial. German dorf a meeting. Norw. torp a little farm, a crowd, Eng. thorp. Related to Troupe.
1. A cavalry unit corresponding to an infantry company.
2. A group of soldiers.
3. A unit of girl or boy scouts; SYN. scout troop, scout group.
4. An orderly crowd; SYN. flock.
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