roden prevod sa nemačkog na engleski online

roden | nemačko - engleski rečnik



Das Entfernen von Baumwurzeln aus dem Boden, um Land urbar zu machen.

abholzen · absägen · fällen · schlagen · umhauen · umsägen · mit der Wurzel entfernen · mitsamt (der) Wurzel entfernen · roden (Gehölze) + prikaži više
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srpski · francuski



1. To remove objects of obstruction
2. To clear from impurities, blemishes, pollution, etc.
3. To go away or disappear
4. To make a way or path by removing objects:
5. To make clear, bright, light, or translucent
6. To
pass by, over, or under without making contact; SYN. top.
7. To remove (people) from a building
8. To remove the occupants of
9. To rid of instructions or data
10. To sell
11. To settle, as of a debt
12. To free from payment of customs duties, as of a shipment
13. To pass an inspection or receive authorization
14. To be debited and credited to the proper bank accounts
To restore a device to a prescribed initial state, usually the zero state.
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acquit · assoil · authorise · authorize · brighten · bring in · clear away · clear off · clear up · crystalise · crystalize · crystallise · crystallize · discharge · earn · elucidate · enlighten · exculpate · exonerate · gain · illuminate · light up · make · net · pass · pull in · realise · realize · sack · sack up · shed light on · solve · sort out · straighten out · take in · top · unclutter + prikaži više

dig up


To find, unearth.

excavate · turn up



1. To rise upward, as from pressure or moisture
2. To move upwards; SYN. raise.
3. To take off or away by decreasing
4. To take out of the ground, of root crops
5. To take hold of someth
ing and move it to a different location
6. To raise in rank or condition:; SYN. raise, elevate.
7. To put an end to, as of a siege or a blockade; SYN. raise.
8. To pay off; as of mortgages.
9. To make audible
10. To call to stop the hunt or to retire, as of hunting dogs.
11. To remove from a seedbed or form a nursery, as of bulbs.
12. To remove from a surface, of fingerprints.
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abstract · airlift · annul · arise · bring up · cabbage · come up · countermand · elevate · face-lift · filch · get up · go up · hoist · hook · lift up · move up · nobbl · overturn · pilfer · pinch · plagiarise · plagiarize · purloin · raise · rear · repeal · rescind · reverse · revoke · rise · rise up · rustle · snarf · sneak · swipe · uprise · vacate · wind + prikaži više

pull up


1. To come to a stop next to something, usually in a car
2. To draw on the reins.

draw ou · draw up · extract · haul up · pull · pull out · straighten up · take out + prikaži više

root out




To strike against an object, as of one's toe or foot; SYN. scrape, skin, abrade.

Reč dana 19.09.2024.

imenica, medicina
muški rod, muzika
ženski rod, gramatika
ženski rod, telekomunikacije