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ETYM French base, Latin basis, from Greek basis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, from bainein to go, step, akin to Eng. come. Related to Basis, and see Come.
1. A s
upport or foundation; SYN. pedestal, stand.
2. A flat bottom on which something is intended to sit.
3. The bottom or lowest part.
4. Place that runner must touch before scoring; SYN. bag.
5. The place where one is stationed and from which missions start and end; SYN. home.
6. The principal ingredient of a mixture.
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1. The lowest part of anything.
2. The lower side of anything; SYN. underside, undersurface.
3. A cargo ship; SYN. freighter, merchantman, merchant ship.
4. (Baseball) The second half of an inning; while the home team is at bat; SYN. bottom of the inning.

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ETYM as. floer.
(Homonym: fluor).
1. The inside lower horizontal surface (as of a room or hallway); SYN. flooring.
2. The bottom surface of any formation, such as a cave or lake, etc.
3. A room or set o
f rooms comprising a single level of a multi-level building; SYN. level, storey, story.
4. A lower limit; SYN. base.
5. The ground on which people and animals move about.
6. The occupants of a floor or level of a building.
7. The legislative hall where members debate and vote and conduct other business.
8. The parliamentary right to address an assembly.
9. A large room in a stock exchange where the trading is done.
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base · flooring · level · storey · story · trading floor + prikaži više



ETYM Old Eng. ground, grund, as. grund; akin to Dutch grond, os., German, Swed., and Dan. grund, Icel. grunnr bottom, Goth. grundus (in composition); perh. orig. meaning, dust, gravel, and if so perh. akin to Eng. grind.
1. The earth; soil.
2. A solid basis upon which something is constructed (literally or figuratively).
3. A position to be won or defended in battle (or as if in battle).
4. A relatively neutral area extending back of the figure on which attention is focused; SYN. background, backdrop.
5. (Art) The surface (as a wall or canvas) prepared to take the paint for a painting.
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ETYM as. land, lond; akin to Dutch, German, Icel., Swed., Dan., and Goth. land.
1. The land on which real estate is located.
2. The solid part of the earth's surface; SYN. dry land, earth, ground,
solid ground, terra firma.
3. What plants grow in (especially with reference to its quality or use); SYN. ground, soil.
In economics, the factor of production which comprises not just land itself but all natural resources. Shoals of fish, natural forests, the atmosphere, and rivers are examples of land. The reward paid to owners of land is rent.
(plural Länder) Federal state of Germany or Austria.
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Din Land · Edwin Herbert Land · Land · acres · body politic · commonwealth · country · demesne · domain · dry land · earth · estate · farming · ground · kingdom · landed estate · nation · realm · res publica · soil · solid ground · state · terra firma + prikaži više



The part of the earth's surface consisting of humus and disintegrated rock; SYN. dirt.
Loose covering of broken rocky material and decaying organic matter overlying the bedrock of the Earth’s su
rface. Various types of soil develop under different conditions: deep soils form in warm wet climates and in valleys; shallow soils form in cool dry areas and on slopes. Pedology, the study of soil, is significant because of the relative importance of different soil types to agriculture.
The organic content of soil is widely variable, ranging from zero in some desert soils to almost 100% in peats.
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Boden | nemačko - engleski rečnik



relativ lockere oberste Schicht der Erdoberfläche, die durchlüftet und von Tieren und Pflanzen besiedelt ist.

Grund · Grund und Boden · Land · Balken · Bühne · Dachboden · Dachkammer · Dachstube · Estrich · Söller · Speicher · Unterdach · Fußboden · Erdboden · Erde · Erdreich · Untergrund · Boden (Norddeutsch) · Bühne (Württemberg) · Estrich (Schweiz) · Speicher (Rheinland bis Bayern) · Unterdach (Wallis) + prikaži više
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1. The lowest part of anything.
2. The lower side of anything; SYN. underside, undersurface.
3. A cargo ship; SYN. freighter, merchantman, merchant ship.
4. (Baseball) The second half of an inning; while the home team is at bat; SYN. bottom of the inning.

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Boden | nemačko - engleski rečnik


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srpski · francuski



ETYM French base, Latin basis, from Greek basis a stepping, step, a base, pedestal, from bainein to go, step, akin to Eng. come. Related to Basis, and see Come.
1. A s
upport or foundation; SYN. pedestal, stand.
2. A flat bottom on which something is intended to sit.
3. The bottom or lowest part.
4. Place that runner must touch before scoring; SYN. bag.
5. The place where one is stationed and from which missions start and end; SYN. home.
6. The principal ingredient of a mixture.
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muški rodgeografija

(Stadt) Schwed. Handelsstadt am Lule Älv, 27 000 Ew.(Geologie) Mit Wasser, Luft u. Lebewesen durchsetzte oberste Schicht der Erdoberfläche; entstanden durch bodenbildende Prozesse wie Verwitterung, Verwesung, Humusbildung u. a.; Einflüsse, die zur B.bildung führen, sind Klima, Vegetation, Gestein, Relief sowie menschl. Bearbeitung; sie erzeugen verschiedene B.arten, z.B. Sand-, Lehm-, Kalk-B.

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