Nation značenje | engleski leksikon

Nation značenje | engleski leksikon


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IPA: / neɪʃn̩ /

(1846-1911) US Temperance Movement crusader during the Prohibition 1920–33. Protesting against Kansas state's flagrant disregard for the prohibition law, she marched into illegal saloons with a hatchet, lecturing the patrons on the abuses of alcohol and smashing bottles and bar.
Born in Kentucky, she briefly worked as a teacher in Missouri.
After the death of her alcoholic first husband, she became the country’s most outspoken prohibitionist. She circulated Smasher’s Mail as part of her campaign.

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nation značenje | engleski leksikon


IPA: / neɪʃn̩ /

Množina: nations


ETYM French nation, Latin natio nation, race, orig., a being born, from natus, p. p. of nasci, to be born, for gnatus, gnasci, from the same root as Eng. kin. Related to Kin kindred, and cf. Cognate, Natal, Native.
1. A federation of tribes (especially native American tribes).
2. The people of a nation or country or a community of persons bound by a common heritage; SYN. nationality, land, country, a people.

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