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1. To exercise authoritative control or power over; SYN. command.
2. To lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or k
eep within limits; SYN. hold in, hold, contain, check, curb, moderate.
3. To verify by using a duplicate register for comparison.
4. To verify or regulate by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard, of scientific experiments; SYN. verify.
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ascertain · assure · check · command · contain · curb · ensure · hold · hold in · insure · keep in line · manipulate · master · moderate · operate · see · see to it · verify + prikaži više



(Irregular preterit, past participle: drove, driven).
1. To operate a vehicle; To travel in a vehicle; SYN. motor, cruise, travel.
2. To push or propel.
3. To cause someone or something to move by driving.
4. To cause to function.
5. To cause to move rapidly by striking or throwing with force.<
br /> 6. To compel or force or urge relentlessly or exert coercive pressure on.
7. To compel somebody to do something, often against his own will or judgment.
8. To have certain properties when driven; SYN. ride.
9. To hit (a ball) very hard and straight, as (in cricket) with the bat swinging more or less vertically.
10. To strike (the ball) with a driver, as in teeing off; in golf.
11. To move into a desired direction of discourse; SYN. get, aim.
12. To SYN. tool.
13. To search (an area) for game.
14. To excavate horizontally, in mining.
15. To chase (game) from cover into more open ground.
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aim · beat back · drive away · drive in · drive off · drive out · force · force back · get · labor · labour · motor · push · push back · push on · ram · ram down · repel · repulse · ride · take · tug + prikaži više



1. To pull the trigger on
2. To release a trigger

activate · actuate · set off · spark · spark off · touch off · trigger off · trip + prikaži više

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