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ETYM Latin aspectus, from aspicere, aspectum, to look at; ad + spicere, specere, to look, akin to Eng. spy.
1. A characteristic to be considered.
2. A distinct feature or element in a problem; SYN. facet.r /> 3. The beginning or duration or completion or repetition of the action of a verb.
In Earth sciences the direction in which a slope faces. In the northern hemisphere a slope with a southerly aspect receives more sunshine than other slopes and is therefore better suited for growing crops that require many hours of sunshine in order to ripen successfully. Vineyards in northern Europe are usually situated on south-facing slopes.
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expression · face · facet · facial expression · look · panorama · prospect · scene · view · vista + prikaži više



1. Something shown to the public; SYN. exhibit, showing.
2. A visual representation of something; SYN. presentation.
3. Behavior that makes one's feelings public.
4. Exhibiting openly in public view.
5. Something done in order to communicate a particular impression; SYN. show.
6. A device that represents information in visual form; a computer terminal.
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ETYM Latin aestimatio, from aestimare: cf. French estimation. Related to Esteem.
1. The act of estimating.
2. The result of estimating.
3. An opinion or judgement.



ETYM as. mynd, gemynd.
(Homonym: mined).
1. That which is responsible for one's thoughts and feelings; the seat of the faculty of reason; SYN. head, brain, psyche, nous.
2. Knowledge and intellectual ability; SYN. intellect.
3. One's intention; what one intends to do; SYN. idea.
4. Recall or remembrance.
5. Attention.
6. An intellectual being; SYN. thinker.
In philosophy, the presumed m
ental or physical being or faculty that enables a person to think, will, and feel; the seat of the intelligence and of memory; sometimes only the cognitive or intellectual powers, as distinguished from the will and the emotions.
Mind may be seen as synonymous with the merely random chemical reactions within the brain, or as a function of the brain as a whole, or (more traditionally) as existing independently of the physical brain, through which it expresses itself, or even as the only reality, matter being considered the creation of intelligence. The relation of mind to matter may be variously regarded. Traditionally, materialism identifies mental and physical phenomena equally in terms of matter and motion. Dualism holds that mind and matter exist independently side by side. Idealism maintains that mind is the ultimate reality and that matter does not exist apart from it.
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brain · creative thinker · head · idea · intellect · judgement · judgment · nou · psyche · thinker + prikaži više



ETYM French, from Latin opinio. Related to Opine.
1. A message expressing a belief about something; SYN. view.
2. A personal belief that is not founded on proof or certainty; SYN. sentiment, persuasion, view, thought.
3. The reason for a court's judgment (as opposed to the decision itself); SYN. ruling.

belief · feeling · impression · judgement · judgment · legal opinion · notion · persuasion · popular opinion · public opinion · ruling · sentiment · though · view · vox populi + prikaži više



ETYM Old Fren. veue, French vue, from Old Fren. veoir to see, p. p. veu, French voir, p. p. vu, from Latin videre to see. Related to Vision, and cl. Interview, Purview, Review, Vista.
1. Outward appearance.
2. The act of looking or seeing or observing; SYN. survey, sight.
3. The phrase means.
4. The range of the eye; SYN. eyeshot.
5. The visual percept of a region; SYN. aspect, prospect, scene, vista, panorama.
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aspect · eyeshot · horizon · opinion · panoram · perspective · persuasion · position · prospect · purview · scene · sentiment · sight · survey · though · vista + prikaži više

Reč dana 06.10.2024.

imenica, gpl radicesmath
glagol, elektrotehnika
ženski rod, železnica
glagol, gramatika