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tour | francusko - engleski rečnik


muški rod

1. Rotation. Un tour de cadran.
2. Circuit.
3. Promenade. Un tour en bateau.
4. Périmètre. Un tour de taille.
/> 5. Pourtour. Le tour de la ville.
6. Exploit. Réussir un tour.
7. Ruse. Jouer un tour.
8. Rang. Garder son tour.
9. Évolution.
10. Tournure. Prendre un mauvais tour.
11. (Technologie) Machine ŕ axe vertical. Tour de potier.

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ETYM Latin circumferentia.
In geometry, the curved line that encloses a curved plane figure, for example a circle or an ellipse. Its length varies according to the nature o
f the curve, and may be ascertained by the appropriate formula. The circumference of a circle is pd or 2pr, where d is the diameter of the circle, r is its radius, and p is the constant pi, approximately equal to 3.1416.
1. The length of the closed curve of a circle.
2. The size of something as given by the distance around it; SYN. perimeter.
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ETYM Old Eng. lappe, as. laeppa; akin to Dutch lap patch, piece, German lappen, Old High Germ. lappa, Dan. lap, Swed. lapp.
1. A part that lies over another part; SYN. overlap.
2. An area of control or responsibility.
3. Movement once around a course; SYN. circle, circuit.
4. The top of the thighs when one is seated; SYN. lap covering.
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circle · circuit · lap covering · lick · overlap



A machine for shaping metal or wood; the workpiece turns about a horizontal axis against a fixed tool.
Machine tool,
used for turning. The workpiece to be machined, usually wood or metal, is held and rotated while cutting tools are moved against it. Modern lathes are driven by electric motors, which can drive the spindle carrying the workpiece at various speeds. + prikaži više



ETYM Also written stent. Related to Stint.
An individuals prescribed share of work.

Erolia minutilla · least sandpiper · stretch



An extended journey; SYN. circuit.

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tour of duty

duty tour · enlistment · hitch · term of enlistment · tou



(Homonym: tern).
1. The act of changing or reversing the direction of the course; SYN. turning.
2. Turning away or in the opposite direction.
. The activity of doing something in an agreed succession; or; SYN. play.
4. An unforeseen development; SYN. turn of events, twist.
5. A favor for someone; SYN. good turn.
6. Taking a short walk out and back.
7. (In sports) A period of play during which one team is on the offensive; SYN. bout, round.
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1. A jerky pulling movement; SYN. wrench.
2. Turning or twisting around (in place); SYN. turn.

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tour | francusko - engleski rečnik


ženski rod

1. Sorte de bâtiment élevé, rond ou carré ou ŕ plusieurs côtés, dont on fortifiait jadis l'enceinte des villes, des châteaux, etc.
2. Construction élev
ée. La tour Eiffel.
3. Bâtiment qui remplace le clocher d'une église dans le style anglo-normand.
4. Bâtiment moderne en béton comportant de nombreux étages.
5. (vieux) machine de guerre que l'on poussait près des remparts pour bombarder l'ennemi assiégé ou ses murailles.
Construction en hauteur.

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1. Interchanging the positions of the king and a rook; SYN. castling.
2. The chessman that can move any number of unoccupied squares in a direction parallel to the sides of the chessboard; SYN. rook.



ETYM Old Eng. tour,tor,tur, French tour, Latin turris.
A structure taller than its diameter; can stand alone or be attached to a larger building.

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tour | francusko - engleski rečnik


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Either of two pieces of each color in a set of chessmen having the power to move along the ranks or files across any number of unoccupied squares — called also castle.

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