fraîche prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

fraîche | francusko - engleski rečnik



1. Froid. Matin frais.
2. Récent. Nouvelles fraîches.
3. Vif. Avoir le teint frais.

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ETYM Cf. W. brysg, from brys haste, Gael. briosg quick, lively, Irish broisg a start, leap, jerk.
1. Quick and energetic; SYN. lively, merry, rattling, snappy, spanking, zippy.
2. Very active.

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Cold, frosty
(Homonym: Chile, chili).
1. Lacking warmth of feeling; SYN. unfriendly.
2. Not characterized by emotion.

chill · cool · unemotional · unfriendly



1. Slightly cold; SYN. cold, fresh, dank, chilled, chilly.
2. Neither warm or very cold; giving relief from heat.
3. Psychologically cool; unfriendly or unresponsive or showing dislike.
4. Calm and unemotional.
5. Disinterested or dispa
6. (Music) Restrained and fluid and marked by intricate harmonic structures often lagging slightly behind the beat.
7. Marked by calm self-control especially in trying circumstances; SYN. coolheaded, nerveless.
8. (Color) Inducing the impression of coolness; used especially of greens and blues and violets.
9. (Informal) Marked by great skill or facility.
10. (Informal; of a number or sum) Without exaggeration or qualification; SYN. unqualiied.
11. (Informal) Socially adept.
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air-conditioned · air-cooled · caller · chill · chilly · cold · composed · coolheaded · fashionable · nerveless · precooled · stylish · unagitated · unemotional · unfriendly · unqualified · unresponsive · water-cooled + prikaži više



ETYM AS. crisp, from Latin crispus; cf. carpere to pluck, card (wool), and Eng. harvest. Related to Crape.
1. Tender and brittle; SYN. crispy.
2. Brief and to the point; effectivel
y cut short; SYN. curt, laconic, terse.
3. In small tight curls; SYN. frizzly, frizzy, kinky, nappy.
4. Pleasantly cold and invigorating; ('parky' is a British term); SYN. frosty, nipping, nippy, snappy, parky.
5. Pleasingly firm and fresh and making a crunching noise when chewed; SYN. firm, crunchy.
6. (Of something seen or heard) Clearly defined; SYN. sharp.
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cold · concise · crispy · crunchy · curly · curt · distinct · firm · fresh · frizzly · frizzy · frosty · kinky · laconic · nappy · nipping · nippy · parky · sharp · snappy · tender · terse + prikaži više



1. (Of a cycle) Beginning or occurring again.
2. Having recently calved and therefore able to give milk.
3. Improperly forward or bold; SYN. impertinent, impudent, overbold, smar
t, saucy.
4. Not canned or otherwise preserved.
5. Not containing or composed of salt water.
6. Not soured or preserved; SYN. sweet.
7. Not stale or old.
8. Not yet used or soiled; SYN. unused.
9. Of a kind not seen before; SYN. new, novel.
10. With restored energy; SYN. invigorated, refreshed, reinvigorated.
11. Not artificial.
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