descendre prevod sa francuskog na engleski online

descendre | francusko - engleski rečnik



1. (Intrans.) Diminuer.
2. (Intrans.) Baisser. La mer descend.
3. Dégringoler. Descendre un escalier.
4. (de) Provenir de. Descendre du singe.
5. (Familier) Abattre. Descendre quelqu'un.

Prevedi descendre na:

srpski · nemački

bring down


1. To cause to fall by or as if by shooting
2. To carry (a total) forward

cu · cut back · cut down · get down · impose · inflict · land · let down · lower · overthrow · overturn · put down · reduce · subvert · take down · trim · trim back · trim down · visit + prikaži više



To move downward but not necessarily all the way; SYN. fall, go down, come down.

come · come down · condescend · deign · derive · fall · fall in · go down · settle + prikaži više



1. To take down from a mount.
2. To alight from a horse; to descend or get off, as a rider from his horse.

get down · get off · light · unhorse

get off


1. To be relieved of one's duties temporarily.
2. To cause to be acquitted; get off the hook; in a legal case.
3. To deliver verbally
4. To enjoy in a sexual way
5. To escape potentially unpleasant consequences; get away with a forbidden action; SYN. get away, get by, get out, escape.
6. To leave
a vehicle, aircraft, etc.
7. When you get off a bus, airplane, or train, you leave it.
8. When you are standing, lying, or sitting on something, such as a horse, bicycle, motorcycle, stage, platform, or piece of furniture, and you step down from it onto the ground, you get off it.
9. When you are standing within an area of ground, or on something that covers an area of ground, and you move to the side of it and step off of it, you get off it.
10. When you get a certain period of time off, you are allowed by your employer to miss work during this period.
11. When you stop talking on the telephone, you get off the telephone.
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dismount · escape · get away · get by · get down · get out · hop out · light · mail · send · send off · trip · trip out · turn on · unhorse + prikaži više

go down


1. To be defeated.
2. To be ingested.
3. To be recorded or remembered.
4. When something goes down in a
certain way, people react to or perceive it in this way.
5. When a computer or computer network stops working because of a problem or because it has been disconnected, it goes down.
6. When the sun goes below the horizon, it goes down.
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come down · crash · decline · descend · fall · fall in · go under · set · settle · sink · sink in · wane + prikaži više

move down


take down


1. To pull down or dismantle; to pull to pieces
2. To record; to write down

bring down · degrade · demean · disgrace · dismantle · get down · let down · level · lower · note · pull down · put down · rase · raze · tear down + prikaži više
descendre | francusko - engleski rečnik



1. To cause to die; put to death
2. To deprive of life
3. To destroy a vitally essential quality of or in
4. To be fatal
5. To thwart the passage of; SYN. defeat, vote d
own, vote out.
6. To tire out completely
7. To be the source of great pain for
8. To hit with great force, in sports
9. To cause to cease operating
10. To hit with so much force as to make a return impossible, in racket games
11. To mark for deletion or rule out; SYN. obliterate, wipe out.
12. To overwhelm with hilarity, pleasure, or admiration
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belt down · bolt down · defeat · down · drink dow · kill off · obliterate · pop · pour down · shoot down · stamp out · toss off · vote down · vote out · wipe out + prikaži više

rub out


1. To erase; to obliterate
2. To destroy completely; specifically; kill, murder

efface · erase · score out · wipe off

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